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dellkit_warranty is a Nagios plugin to check the remaining days of
warranty left for Dell hardware.

I am aware there are (at least) 2 other plugins that do this. This one works with ESXi servers as well using the excellent VMware Perl SDK, the others don't.

If you have Linux and Windows Dell servers you still may use this, of course. Right now I have only tried SNMP v1.

dellkit_warranty -H [hostname] -[tcwvVhCEp]

options -E and -C are mutually exclusive (-E is for polling ESXi hosts,
-C is for polling hosts using SNMP.

This is the documentation for dellkit_warranty version 1.

dellkit_warranty is a Nagios plugin to check the remaining days of
warranty left for Dell hardware.

The plugin requires the installation of the SOAP::Lite module, available
from your Perl distributor repositories or CPAN.

For Linux hosts you can retrieve the Dell service tag information using
dmidecode (you need to allow the nagios user to run dmidecode in sudo
without a password. This assumes you run the check from NRPE, but then
you need to allow the linux hosts access to the internet (no proxy) to
poll the host (http).

Otherwise, for Linux and Windows hosts you may retrieve the service tag
using SNMP. This requires the installation of Open Managed Node from
Dell and configuring the snmp service/daemon. If you already use (and
you should!) the excellent check_openmanage you have
already this sorted out.

For ESXi hosts you need the Config::Tiny module and the VMware Perl SDK.
If you already use the excellent check_esx by OP5
then you are all set; follow the prerequisites instructions here if you do not have it.

You also need to create a password file to not pass the ESX
username/password on the command line. This password file is a simple
lhs = rhs ini format file

username = your_esx_username
password = yourpassword

That's it. After that, change the file's permissions to be 600, that is,
only read/write, for the nagios user.


-H | --host Hostname/ip address of server to monitor (required)
-t | --tag Dell service tag number of server to monitor; if you do
not specify one on the command line, the script will try
to get it from dmidecode (only localhost). If you want
to poll a Dell server using SNMP, use the -C switch;
if you want to poll a ESXi host, use the -E switch.
-V | --version prints the version of this program
-v | --verbose prints extra debugging information
-w | --warning days before nagios gives a warning; default is 90
-c | --critical days before nagios gives a critical alert; default is 30
-E | --esx to indicate we want to poll a dell server running ESXi
using the VMware api (requires installing the VMware
Perl SDK)
-p | --passwdfile path to the file where the ESXi credentials are stored
-C | --community to indicate we want to poll a dell server using SNMP
(requires the Open Managed Node software on the host
and the Net::SNMP perl library). Right now only snmp
version 1 is implemented
-h | --help | -? print the full help text

natxo asenjo in his spare time

poll an ESXi host
dellkit_warranty -H host -E true -p passwordfile

poll localhost
dellkit_warranty -H localhost

poll Windows host using SNMP
dellkit_warranty -H windowshost -C communityname

poll localhost and get debugging info (it shows the soap conversation
with the host)
dellkit_warranty -H localhost -v

Copyright Natxo Asenjo This program is free software; you can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License
version 2.0.