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Category: IMAP4 and POP3
Nagios plugins for monitoring IMAP4 and POP3 protocols.
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This plugin logs into a POP3 or POP3 over SSL (POP3s) account and reports the age (in hours) of the oldest messages in the mailbox.
Performance data is available.
check_imap_login Plugin

Python plugin for executing a imap login
check_imap_login v2

Python plugin for executing a imap login based on check_imap_login by Bertera Pietro ( This plugin check if a imap log is executed correctly. ...

Check a IMAP mailbox for new mails

Python writen to test pop3. Similar to check_imap_login.txt but a pop3 version.

A Perl script check plugin that pops a POP3 account and checks for the number of emails in the account. You would set a warning and critical threshhold as to the number of emails can be in the POP account before alerting you once it reaches or exceeds th

Simple extension to a POP3 checker: a Perl plugin which logins into an account with accounts details given as parameters.

This plugin checks a pop3 account for all emails matching a given subject. This could be useful if you have some sort of system that periodically sends an email to let you know its state. We use this for monitoring intellisync.
Mail Server Monitoring Wizard

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to easily monitor critical aspects of email servers - including SMTP, IMAP, POP and whether or not a mail server is on a realtime spam blacklist (RBL).