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check grep command output
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Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
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Usage: --help [--contains YES|NO] --warning REGEX --critical REGEX --command Sring
[--parameter String]
Print detailed this screen
Print version information
--contains YES|NO
Defines if the command output must or must not contain
the patterns defined in warning and critical (Default: YES)
--warning REGEX
Regex to search for in command output for warning.
--critical REGEX
Regex to search for in command output for critical.
--command STRING
Command to be executed.
--parameter STRING
Parameter for the command.
Examples: --contains YES --warning "d{2}" --critical 333 --command /bin/bla
This returns a warning if the output of /bin/bla contains two
digist (e.g. 23 or 01) and a critical if 333 was found. --contains NO --warning 22 --critical b --command /bin/cat --parameter /etc/services
Execute `/bin/cat /etc/services` and send warning if NO "22" was found and
critical if NO "b" was found in output.
This plugin is NOT developped by the Nagios Plugin group.
Please do not e-mail them for support on this plugin, since
they won't know what you're talking about.
For contact info, read the plugin itself... [--contains YES|NO] --warning REGEX --critical REGEX --command Sring
[--parameter String]
Print detailed this screen
Print version information
--contains YES|NO
Defines if the command output must or must not contain
the patterns defined in warning and critical (Default: YES)
--warning REGEX
Regex to search for in command output for warning.
--critical REGEX
Regex to search for in command output for critical.
--command STRING
Command to be executed.
--parameter STRING
Parameter for the command.
Examples: --contains YES --warning "d{2}" --critical 333 --command /bin/bla
This returns a warning if the output of /bin/bla contains two
digist (e.g. 23 or 01) and a critical if 333 was found. --contains NO --warning 22 --critical b --command /bin/cat --parameter /etc/services
Execute `/bin/cat /etc/services` and send warning if NO "22" was found and
critical if NO "b" was found in output.
This plugin is NOT developped by the Nagios Plugin group.
Please do not e-mail them for support on this plugin, since
they won't know what you're talking about.
For contact info, read the plugin itself...
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