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Managing Users in Naigios Log Server 2

Learn how to add and modify users on your Nagios Log Server in this brief tutorial.
Managing XI Monitoring Plugins

Managing monitoring plugins in Nagios XI is a necessary task for admins who wish to extend monitoring capabilities by uploading custom or third-party plugins. This guide takes you through the process of uploading new plugins and creating command definitio ...
Manual Installation Instructions for Nagios XI

Experienced Nagios administrators who want to install Nagios XI on physical servers can use this guide to get started. Note: Nagios XI can only be installed to RHEL, CentOS Linux distributions.
MarkLogic Plugin for Nagios

The MarkLogic Plugin for Nagios gives administrators a central place to manage all of their infrastructure, leveraging their organization's existing processes, tools, and knowledge to reduce costs. By integrating seamlessly into Nagios, the plugin allows ...

nagios plugin for monitoring mtr requires ruby should work with 1.8.x - 2.x Usage: check_mtr [options] -h prints this menu -H, --host HOST which host to run mtr on -l, --latency_warn MS ...
mass acknowledge

After the patching day, servers that undergo reboots trigger a system uptime alarm. This small script, scheduled via cronjob, automatically acknowledges all system uptime alarms,
Mass Downtime Scheduler

This script will help in scheduling downtime for n number of hosts in your large enviournment. Just enter the list of hostnames as configured in nagios in server_list.txt file.
Mass Remove Downtime

Lists all scheduled downtimes in a multi select box. Highlight all those you want to remove and click the button. Especially useful when wanting to remove many downtimes.
Mass Schedule Host Downtime Component

Based on Mass Acknowledge Component ( Allows you schedule (or remove) fixed downtime for any number of hosts with single action. To install, access the Adm ...
Master ldap check

Checks if master ldap server is accepting modifications (not in read only mode)
Matt Wall - Performance Graphing and Trending In Nagios

This presentation covers graphing/trending topics, with nagiosgraph as the example implementation and covering some best practices (e.g. rrdtool issues, data collection options, data freshness, host/service naming, aggregation versus specialization, autom ...
Maximizing XI Performance

This document describes how to maximize the performance of your Nagios XI server in a non-distributed environment. This document will discuss maximizing active checks on a single Nagios XI server, and is intended for Administrators using primarily active ...

Redirect monitoring service checks based on hostname or location
McAfee Web Gateway Dashboard

This dashboard allows you to easily see where your web traffic is going if you use McAfee Web Access gateways.

A Nagios NRPE plugin that checks the active connections to and from a MDaemon server, the plugin checks and returns the SMTP, POP, IMAP, WorldClient and Webadmin connections.

A Nagios NRPE plugin that parses the status page of a MDaemon server, the plugin returns the SMTP, POP, Spam, virus, SPF, DK cache, IP cache, LDAP cache and tarpit statistics of the MDaemon mail server.
Megaide RAID controller

This plugin checks the status on a Megaide RAID-controller.

This python script connects to the membase cluster and exports the metrics that are passed as the parameter. It's used by AppFirst Monitoring tool to monitor Membase cluster and correlate with other system metrics, or resource usage. Example: python ...
memory or ram checks

simple nagios plugin to calculate memory available in your linux system and it also accounts for buffer and cache as well. tested in debain and rhel systems.
Memory used by a process

This plugin is written in PowerShell. He indicates the memory used by a process. He uses this performance counter : Process($Process)Private Bytes. You must use NSClient, you have three args : - Process - Warning - Critical This plugin has ...
Meraki - Check 4G Status

This plugin will query the Meraki Cloud controller and return user friendly status messages of the cellular backup connection to be displayed by the Nagios Server.
Meraki - Check Device Status

This plugin will query the Meraki Cloud controller and return user friendly messages to be displayed by the Nagios Server.
Merge Multiple Check Results

Runs and merges multiple checks together and does an operation on the results.
MessPC / pcmeasure

pcmessure/messpc is a modular, low cost system for measuring environment variables as temperature, humidity, voltage, smoke, motion, water and more.
Metadata variable evaluates to

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to compare a metadata key to a value.
Metadate variable exists

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test whether or not a metadata key exists. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions

Metricinga is a gevent-based daemon for forwarding Nagios performance data to Graphite.
MGE check_mge_ups

Plugin to check the status of an MGE UPS system. MGE type: Galaxy PW On Line. I wrote a new plugin (05-feb-2008).

This is a framework for quickly developping and easily maintaining Nagios plugins. It is written in php 5.
MIB Files and Shell Script for Netware Mibs

The most important Novell MIB Files converted for SNMPTT incl. the Shell script to convert the Novell MIB Files with a regular Nagios Status
Michael Medin - NSClient Plus Plus: Whats New

This presentation focuses mainly on whats new and whats up in the near future when it comes to NSClient++ as well as an introduction on option when it comes to Windows monitoring as well as why we need it. Michael Medin also explains how you can get the m ...
Michael Medin - Workshop: Scripting On The Windows Side

Scripting on Windows is something many people think twice before doing. Strange as it may seem scripting on Windows is actually both rewarding and simple to do. There is a myriad of languages you can use *including many you already know* so there is no re ...
Microsoft DFS Monitor

Simple script to test for Microsoft DFS backlogs using Nagios. Values are hard coded to alert at the moment but are easy to change.
Microsoft MSN Notifications

This script allows you to send Nagios notifications via MSNP (Microsoft Notification Protocol). Perl script connects to MSNP ( and sends notifications via MSN. Changes: * Updated hostname of the Passport login server. * Ripped ...
Migrating From Nagios Core To Nagios XI

This guide takes you through the basic steps involved in migrating from an existing Nagios Core installation to Nagios XI.
Mike Guthrie - Distributed Monitoring With Nagios: Past...

A review of how distributed monitoring has been done in the past, how it can be done with newly available tools, along with the bottlenecks and limitations with different approaches. Will also include a discussion on new ideas for distributed monitoring a ...
Mike Guthrie - Exploring Nagios Visualization Tools

Mike demonstrates the setup and use of different visual tools with Nagios and how they can be used, including Graph Explorer, Nagios BPI, Google Maps integration, Hypermap and network replay reports, NagVis and DaVinci.
Mike Weber - Training: Choosing Nagios Plugins To Use

Your choice of plugins may be costing you 40%-80% more resources on the Nagios server than you need. This training session demonstrates how to save resources by examining the differences between pubic port monitoring, NRPE, SSH, SNMP and passive scripts. ...
Mike Weber - Training: Getting Started With SNMP

Learn how to start monitoring servers, switches and routers using SNMP. This session takes you through step by step into the basics of SNMP and the commands you can use to get an edge on a not so easy process.
Mike Weber - Training: Monitoring Linux Mail Servers Wi...

This training session focuses on the features that are most important to monitor on a Linux mail server. Topics include port access speeds (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, POP3S and IMAPS), queue management, mailbox verification, email reception, anti-virus signatures ...
Mike Weber - Training: Reducing Nagios Server Load With...

A common question that is often asked is how to reduce the load on the Nagios server so it can perform more efficiently. Mod-Gearman provides a way to distribute checks across your network to reduce the load on the Nagios server. This session provides the ...
Minemap Component

This Nagios XI component provides a highly condensed view of host and service status, making it ideal to NOC teams that need to keep an eye on everything.

Another but minimalistic disk check/status plugin. This script will show only local file-systems, local partitions are sorted from the most in use (as occupancy).
MK Livestatus

Livestatus is a tool to access the host and service status of your Nagios server

MobiosPush is a Nagios mobile frontend for iPhone with push notifications.
* Unlimited notifications free of charge
* iOS 8 interactive notifications
* No software changes to your Nagios server required
* Native iOS 7 & 8 app with modern UI
* View ...
Mod Gearman

Distribute Hostchecks, Servicechecks and Eventhandler with Gearman. Replace distributed Nagios installations with Gearman worker for easy high availability. Host/Servicegroup affinity included.
ModGearman Manager

Use this component to manage your ModGearman Workers from a central location.
modified check_snmp_cisco_port_channel

modified version of for use with multiple port channels. tested on Cisco 4510R