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Monitor Dell Server Hardware In Nagios With SNMP v3

This tutorial shows you how to monitor Dell server hardware in Nagios with SNMP.
Monitor ESX hosts in Nagios with CIM and SSH

With attached instructions and scripts you can monitor the following on ESX hosts: * Diskspace (using ssh) * Temperature, various sensors depending on parameter (CIM) * Fans * On HP systems: Disks and RAID status (install HP esx bundle, reboot require ...
Monitor Exchange Storage Groups in Nagios

This tutorial will show you how to monitor Exchange Storage Groups in Nagios.
Monitor F5 CPU and memory utilization

USAGE: ./ -
description: checks CPU and memory utilization on F5 using SNMP-
Requires: Perl [naturally] and the Net::SNMP Perl module
Monitor FC Brocade Switch

Brocade Fibre Channel Hardware monitor plugin for Nagios. You must have SW-MIB from Brocade Communications Systems
Monitor For Out Of Date And Inactive Machines With Nagi...

This tutorial shows you how to monitor for out-of-date and inactive machines with the Nagios check_uptrack plugin.
Monitor Fox DataDiode Network with Nagios

This document shows you how to use Nagios to monitor the entire (classified and unclassified) network efficiently, without degrading security.
Monitor FTP Errors with Nagios

This article will show you how to monitor FTP errors with Nagios.
Monitor HP Proliant DL360 On Nagios And SNMP v3

This tutorial shows you how to monitor HP Proliant DL360 with SNMP and Nagios.
Monitor mongodb from nagios

This article describes how to monitor your MongoDB server with and Nagios.
Monitor Multiple Windows Processes

This Perl based plugin is capable of monitoring multiple Windows processes and generating PNP graphs. There is also an option for long/short output. The installation instruction and example outputs are at the website. Feedback/suggestions are welco ...
Monitor Netezza database

Do you have Netezza database in your infrastructure. Would you like to be able to monitor it under Nagios ? I have away to do it. It is extensible and requires no ODBC, no username, and no password. There is a perl module that Netezza includes on the data ...
Monitor old snapshot within a VMWare data-center.

Very basic PowerCLI script for monitoring snapshots in a datacenter. Couldn't find anything similar, so i decided to share it with you.
Monitor Out-Of-Memory Errors In Your Servers

Monitor Out-Of-Memory Errors In Your Servers Check more:
Monitor Services with Nagios on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick)

This tutorial demonstrates how to monitor services with Nagios on Ubuntu 10.10.
Monitor Services with Nagios on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise P...

This tutorial demonstrates how to monitor services with Nagios on Ubuntu 12.04.
Monitor swapspace usage via SNMP

Monitor swapspace usage via SNMP. Plugin uses UCD SNMP MIB (
Monitor Time Drift With Nagios and SNMP

This article will show you how to keep your ntpd configuration in line with Nagios and SNMP.
Monitor VMWare backups made with ghettoVCB

Monitors VMWare backups made with ghettoVCB ghettoVCB ia a great free backup solution for VMWare.
Monitor Your Business

Monitoring a Cisco Router with Nagios

This tutorial will show you how to monitor a Cisco router with Nagios. Thank you, Mike!
Monitoring a Local Machine with Nagios and Fedora

This article shows how to monitor a local machine with Nagios.
Monitoring A Nagios XI Server

Nagios administrators often need to ensure that their primary monitoring server is operating properly and can reach the Internet to send alert notifications via email and other methods. This document describes how to effectively monitor a primary Nagios ...
Monitoring a UPS With Nagios

This tutorial will show you how to monitor a UPS with Nagios.
Monitoring A Websensor EM08

This document describes how to monitor environmental conditions (temperature, relative humidity, and light level) with Nagios XI and a Websensor EM08 from eSensors. Using Nagios XI to monitor a Websensor EM08 will notify you of environmental element chang ...
Monitoring AIX With Nagios

This document describes how to monitor AIX servers using Nagios. The instructions were contributed by Joshua Whitaker, who successfully configured Nagios to monitor AIX 5.3 servers. Thanks Joshua!
Monitoring an Outlook Web Access site with Nagios

This article shows how to monitor an Outlook Web Access site with Nagios.
Monitoring Anything and Everything with Nagios

A presentation on Nagios by Chris Burgess at OSDC 2005.
Monitoring Apache Session load with Nagios through mod_...

Monitoring Apache Session load with Nagios through mod_status unsing
Monitoring Architecture Solutions For MSPs

As a Managed Service Provider, you would be able to purchase a separate license for each of your customers and the good news is that we have license levels to fit any size organization, starting as small as 20 Nodes. In this model, we would provide you w ...
Monitoring AzureStack Alerts

Third party plugin written in python used to monitor AzureStack alerts.
Monitoring Check Point (R80.10 and above) IPS Update St...

Runs API query for getting IPS version checks how long that is been installed and gives back "Nagios readable" output. As there was no way to get the actual last version number we are assuming that IPS updates are coming more often than every x days... : ...
Monitoring Cronjob Exit Codes With Nagios

This tutorial demonstrates how to monitor the exit codes from cronjobs with Nagios.
Monitoring Drupal Sites With Nagios

In this article, Gerold Mercadero is showing how to monitor Drupal Sites with Nagios.
Monitoring Drupal Using Nagios Integration

On Thursday February 19, 2009, Khalid gave a presentation on Integrating Nagios with Drupal at the Waterloo Region Drupal Users Group.
Monitoring EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance (DCA)...

This white paper describes a software plug-in that can be used with the Nagios Core infrastructure monitoring framework to display the state of a wide range of components in the EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance (DCA).
Monitoring Exchange 2003 With Nagios

This is a short article about monitoring Exchange 2003 with Nagios. There are links to several different plugins.
Monitoring F5 BigIP TMM Utilization with Nagios and SNM...

In this blog you will find a perl script, which you can use to monitor F5 BigIP TMM utilization with Nagios and SNMP.
Monitoring Gluster With Nagios

This short tutorial shows you how to monitor gluster with Nagios.
Monitoring Hosts Using NRPE

This document describes how to monitor hosts with Nagios XI by using NRPE. This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators who want to setup custom monitoring of servers using NRPE or who
have existing hosts with the NRPE agent already ins ...
Monitoring Hosts Using SSH

This document describes how to monitor hosts with Nagios XI by using SSH to execute monitoring plugins and scripts on remote machines.
Monitoring HP-Procurve

Monitoring FAN,MEM,CPU,and so on for HP-Procurve with the buildin plugin check_snmp plugin
Monitoring Interface Bandwidth Utilization Using Cacti ...

This Python plugin will alert when the average bandwidth utilization of a network interface exceeds the configured thresholds. It uses data that is already being captured on a remote (or local) Cacti server rather than storing data in a local database. Ma ...
Monitoring IPCop Routers with NRPE -IPCop

This tutorial shows how you can configure monitoring IPCop Routers via NRPE plugin for IPCop - nrpe-ipcop-2.15.
Monitoring JBoss AS6.x With check_jmx Plugin

This tutorial shows you how to monitore a jboss server jvm via jmx and Nagios.
Monitoring Liferay with Nagios, Jolokia and JMX4Perl

This blog article demonstrates how to monitor Liferay with Nagios.
Monitoring Linux Using SNMP

This document describes how to monitor Linux machines with Nagios XI using SNMP. SNMP is an “agentless” method of monitoring network devices and servers, and is often preferable to installing dedicated agents on target machines.
Monitoring Machines Using The NCPA Agent

This document describes how to use Nagios XI to monitor machines that are using the NCPA agent. NCPA is an advanced, crossplatform agent that can be installed on both Windows and Linux machines.
Monitoring Microsoft SQL With Nagios XI

This document describes how to monitor Microsoft SQL (MSSQL) with Nagios XI. This includes using the separate Database, Query and Server configuration wizards as well as the prerequisites required for these wizards to work. This document is intended fo ...
Monitoring Minutes 06/2013 - MS SQL / Sybase

Video is in German.