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- Nagios 1.x
- Nagios 2.x
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios XI
- Nagios Fusion
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About Metricinga:
Metricinga is a gevent-based metrics forwarder that parses performance data files from Nagios and sends the results to Graphite via the Carbon pickle port. It is designed to be lean, extensible, flexible, and easy to extend or hack on.
Support for StatsD and other metrics backends (OpenTSDB?) is planned.
Python 2.6 or greater (older versions may work also)
argparse. if using Python <2.7
gevent 1.0rc1+, installed from GitHub
gevent-inotifyx (optional, for Linux inotify support)
nose (optional, for running unit tests)
Metricinga is a gevent-based metrics forwarder that parses performance data files from Nagios and sends the results to Graphite via the Carbon pickle port. It is designed to be lean, extensible, flexible, and easy to extend or hack on.
Support for StatsD and other metrics backends (OpenTSDB?) is planned.
Python 2.6 or greater (older versions may work also)
argparse. if using Python <2.7
gevent 1.0rc1+, installed from GitHub
gevent-inotifyx (optional, for Linux inotify support)
nose (optional, for running unit tests)
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