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ModGearman Manager

2 votes
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios XI
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ModGearman Manager
Use this component to manage your ModGearman Workers from a central location.
Having set up ModGearman via the Nagios Documentation (https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/docs/Integrating_Mod_Gearman_with_Nagios_XI.pdf), we were left with quite a few ModGearman Workers.

It got to be a little exhausting making all the changes necessary and keeping track of which worker is responsible for which servicegroup, which worker is responsible for host checks, etc.

I wrote this management component to alleviate some of my stress.

You'll need to execute the setup.sh in order for this to work properly. Just follow the prompts!

There are a few variables you need to set in modgearman.php in order to get it working, but its all commented, and there is a section titled BEGIN CHANGABLE VARIABLES. Hint: you should probably change THOSE variables.

But once you get the $gearman_worker_array variable set, you *should* be able to get something working.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

*OTHER NOTE* There are some grammatical errors. I'm a programmer, not a copywriter.

Changes from 1.0 to 1.4:
- Moved from Home menu to Admin menu
- Changed location where configs are downloaded to and uploaded from
- Created setup script to allow non-root ssh access to the workers
- Changed all ssh access to reflect the non-root changes mentioned above.