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send_JMX_ActiveThread is a script which can be used to send active thread count of a jmx console through nsca(as passive checks).
send_nrdp Bash NRDP Client

Bash implementation of the send_nrdp client. Revision 0.1 - Send NRPD script for Nagios Usage: -u URL -t token [options] Usage: -h Help file This script is used to send NRPD data to a Nagios server R ...
send_nrdp Perl Client

Perl implementation of the send_nrdp client. Designed as a drop-in replacement for send_nsca to make transition to nrdp easier. Additional Features: - Notify an additional nrpd host. - Cache failed result sends to retry later. - Verbose Logging. ...
SEND_NRDP Python 3 Port

This is a direct port of the Python2 version of this plugin, which can be found here: usage: [options] options: -u URL, --url=URL ** REQU ...
send_nrdp Python NRDP Client

usage: [options] options: -u URL, --url=URL ** REQUIRED ** The URL used to access the remote NRDP Server Usually: http://<IP_ADDRESS>/nrdp/ agent. -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN ** REQU ...
send_nsca php class

PHP implementation for send_nsca Clone from github: Suppors PHP 5.3 - 7.2
send_nsca Ruby Gem

A pure Ruby implementation of the send_nsca.c program used as a client for passive checkins using NSCA and Nagios. Makes it easy to integrate Ruby and Rails applications to Nagios for monitoring whatever you want to monitor. Install using: gem in ...

iPhone push notifications using the free Prowl API. You can get the Prowl app and signup for an API provider account (not required) at the Prowl website

This plugin will connect to smscity to send your SMS. The connector uses https to send the messages.

Basically I was looking for a way to send SMS message through a free gateway. Of course this will only work if you don't have an internet outage. If you have redundant connections most of the time you should be good. This uses curl and a free sms se ...

Sends a text to speach notification to a PSTN phone number via Twilio.

Sends an SMS notification via the Twilio SMS service.
Sensaphone IMS-4000 (check_ims_sensor)

Check plugin to pull environment sensor data from a Sensaphone(tm) IMS-4000(tm) monitoring system. This plugin will query an input channel for type, label and value and provide screen output based on the channel's configuration on the IMS-4000. Useful ...
Sensatronics E4/E16/F

TempTrax (E4/E16/F) is a seriell or Ethernet Device to monitor temperature.
Sensatronics EM1

A little perl plugin to check the Sensatronics environmental monitor (EM1).
Sensatronics Senturion Icons

Contains .gif, jpg, png, gd2 icons of Senturion environmental monitor. Based on the offical website image.
Sensatronics TempTrax

A way to manage active or passive checks of TempTrax serial devices.
Server 2012 Failover Cluster node & resource checks (Po...

You'll need a proxy host to run your Powershell commands (or they can be run directly from the server(s)). More info here: You'll also need the FailoverClusters PS Module installed. Each script just ...
Server 2012 R2 Failover Clustering check script

This script will check for the Cluster Service, and if found will check all cluster nodes, and cluster services for state.
Server Push Notifications for Android

This "Addon" (Changes) lets you push all Nagios notifications to your Android device running an App called "Server Push Notifications" that also supports Tasker.
Service Check Scheduling in Nagios

Learn more about the service check scheduling in Nagios!
Service Downtime Scheduler

Schedules or unschedules downtime for Nagios 1.x via command line for a specific service in all hosts.
Service Now Ticketer

A complex alert integration script for Nagios that can open and update tickets in Service-Now.

Simple dashlet that lets you choose a servicegroup and display the most recent perfdata in a table. To make this useful all the services in the servicegroup should be of the same category with the same type of perfdata.
#-- 1.0.0 - 2 ...
serviceNow Incident Notifier

serviceNowIncidentNotifier allows Nagios to automatically create and update incidents within your ServiceNow ticketing system Usage: ./serviceNowIncidentNotifier -s [Val] -l [Val] -a [Val] -i [Val] -u [Val] -c -a Assignment Group -c Create Ti ...
Session Border Controller (SBC) Statistics

Check for the active and initiating calls of an AudioCodes nCite SBC using SNMP.
Set context variable

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to update the value of an event chain context variable during runtime.
Set metadata value

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to update (insert) a key/value pair in the metadata table.
Setting SMS Alerts in Nagios XI

This document describes how to setup SMS alerts and how to manage mobile carriers in Nagios XI. Notifications by SMS must be enabled per user in Nagios XI. Receiving SMS alerts allow users to get updates about their Nagios XI system via their mobile phone ...
Setting up alerts in Nagios Log Server 2

Now that you've configured log collection and your queries, learn how to create alerts based on log events in this very efficient tutorial. Find out how to pass your check results to a Nagios XI or Core server from Log Server.
Setting Up An Analog Modem For Nagios Alerts, Part 1

This is Part 1 of a tutorial that demonstrates how to set up an analog modem for Nagios alerts.
Setting Up An Analog Modem For Nagios Alerts, Part 2

This is Part 2 of a tutorial that demonstrates how to set up an analog modem for Nagios alerts.
Setting Up An Analog Modem For Nagios Alerts, Part 3

This is Part 3 of a tutorial that demonstrates how to set up an analog modem for Nagios alerts.
Setting Up Email Alerts for Network Monitoring with Nag...

This article will show you how to set up e-mail alerts for network monitoring with Nagios.
Setting Up Fully Redundant Failover Nagios Servers

This article demonstrates how to set up fully redundant failover Nagios servers.
Setting Up Nagios Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty and Forward Notifi...

Learn how to set up Nagios in Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) and how to forward notifications using postfix.
Setting Up Severity-Based Alerting with the Nagios API

This article discusses how to segment your Nagios and PagerDuty alerts based on whether the Nagios alert is a critical or non-critical type alert.
Setup Nagios In Ubuntu 9.10

This video tutorial will show you how to setup Nagios in Ubuntu 9.10.
Setup Nagios on Fedora

This tutorial demonstrates how to install Nagios on Fedora.
Setup: Secure Nagios Server

This article will show you how to secure your Nagios server.
SfB Edge Server Services Check

This powershell plugin can be used inside an Nagios environment to monitor the Edge services on an Microsoft Skype for Business server using powershell and an NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++).
SfB Frontend Server Services Check

This powershell plugin can be used inside an Nagios environment to monitor the Frontend services on an Microsoft Skype for Business server using powershell and an NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++).
SfB Group IM check

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor an Skype for Business pool. It verify that a pair of users are able to take part in a data conference (A data conference is any conference where collaborative a ...
SfB IM check

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor an Skype for Business pool. It verify that a pair of SfB test users can exchange instant messages.
SfB Management Store Replication Status Check

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor an Skype for Business environment. It monitors the Management Store Replication Status from the SfB frontend server where it is running on.
SfB Mediation Server Services Check

This powershell plugin can be used inside an Nagios environment to monitor the mediation services on an Microsoft Skype for Business server using powershell and an NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++).
SfB Peer to peer audio/video call check

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor an Skype for Business pool. It verify that a pair of SfB test users can participate in a peer-to-peer A/V conversation.
SfB Persistent Chat Server Services Check

This powershell plugin can be used inside an Nagios environment to monitor the Persistent Chat services on an Microsoft Skype for Business server using powershell and an NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++).
SfB Presence publishing and subscribing check

This powershell plugin for the NSCP Client (former known as NSClient++) can be used to monitor an Skype for Business pool. It verify whether a pair of SfB test users can log on to a Skype for Business Server and then exchange presence information.

Perl script that uploads a file on a SFTP server and extract metrics This script doesn't rely on any other external application as psftp to connect.