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send_nrdp Bash NRDP Client
Current Version
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Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios XI
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- And So Much More! Revision 0.1 - Send NRPD script for Nagios
Usage: -u URL -t token [options]
Usage: -h Help file
This script is used to send NRPD data to a Nagios server
-u, URL of NRDP server. Usually http://<IP_ADDRESS>/nrdp/
-t, Shared token. Must be the same token set in NRDP Server
Single Check:
-H host name
-s service name
-S State
-o output
-d delimiter (default "t")
With only the required parameters is capable of
processing data piped to it either from a file or other
process. By default, we use t as the delimiter however this
may be specified with the -d option data should be in the
following formats one entry per line.
For Host checks:
hostname State output
For Service checks
hostname servicename State output
-f /full/path/to/file
This file will be sent to the NRDP server specified in -u
The file should be an XML file in the following format
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<checkresult type="host" checktype="1">
<checkresult type="service" checktype="1">
-D /path/to/temp/dir
This is a directory that contains XML files in the format
above. Additionally, if the -d flag is specified,
will create temp files here if the server could not be reached.
On additional calls with the same -D path, if a connection to
the server is successful, all temp files will be sent.
Reviews (2)
byJohn Ericson, February 24, 2013
This plugin works fine for me, except that it doesn't seem to support check-plugins that outputs multiline results. This is a new feature in Nagios 3.x from what I can tell.
I have one of those in my setup, check_jmxeval, that does two tests at the same time. The output is like this:
JMXEval CRITICAL - 2 checks, 1 critical [Threads], 1 ok
[1] Threads CRITICAL - ThreadCount is 73
[2] PeakThreads OK - PeakThreadCount is 73 | threadCount=73;150;100 peakThreadCount=76 time=0.0s
All that is returned to my Nagios server after this script generates the XML-code and sends it is the first line, like this:
JMXEval CRITICAL - 2 checks, 1 critical [Threads], 1 ok
I would like to see support for multiline output implemented in this script in the future. Right now I'm looking for a work around for this problem.
I have one of those in my setup, check_jmxeval, that does two tests at the same time. The output is like this:
JMXEval CRITICAL - 2 checks, 1 critical [Threads], 1 ok
[1] Threads CRITICAL - ThreadCount is 73
[2] PeakThreads OK - PeakThreadCount is 73 | threadCount=73;150;100 peakThreadCount=76 time=0.0s
All that is returned to my Nagios server after this script generates the XML-code and sends it is the first line, like this:
JMXEval CRITICAL - 2 checks, 1 critical [Threads], 1 ok
I would like to see support for multiline output implemented in this script in the future. Right now I'm looking for a work around for this problem.
Only requires curl or wget to run. For setting up a passive check it doesn't get more lightweight than this!