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This uses curl and a free sms service called
You can git clone this project via:
cd /home/yourusername
git clone
Then copy to send_textbelt_sms to /usr/local/nagios/libexec and chmod +x it.
Or download it below:
This is based on using a free sms service called
What to do to get this working:
Note: These instructions are debian based.
##Step 1##
Download send_textbelt_sms to /usr/local/nagios/libexec
chmod +x send_textbelt_sms
##Step 2##
Add the following lines to commands.cfg
sudo nano /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg
# 'notify-service-by-sms' command definition
define command{
command_name notify-service-by-sms
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_textbelt_sms "--Nagios Service Notification-- Host: $HOSTNAME$, Service: $SERVICEDESC$, Description: $SERVICESTATE$, Time: $LONGDATETIME$"
# 'notify-host-by-sms' command definition
define command{
command_name notify-host-by-sms
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_textbelt_sms "--Nagios Host Notification-- Host: $HOSTNAME$, State: $HOSTSTATE$, Time: $LONGDATETIME$"
##Step 3 ##
Modify contacts.cfg
sudo nano /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg
Modify your contact definition to look like the following:
define contact{
contact_name nagiosadmin ; Short name of user
use generic-contact ; Inherit default values from generic-contact template (defined above)
alias Nagios Admin ; Full name of user
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-sms ;sms notices
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-sms ;sms notices
email ; <<***** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ******
The lines added to contacts.cfg are:
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-sms ;sms notices
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-sms ;sms notices
## Step 4 ##
Reload Nagios Configs
sudo /etc/init.d/nagios reload
What to do to get this working:
Note: These instructions are debian based.
##Step 1##
Download send_textbelt_sms to /usr/local/nagios/libexec
chmod +x send_textbelt_sms
##Step 2##
Add the following lines to commands.cfg
sudo nano /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg
# 'notify-service-by-sms' command definition
define command{
command_name notify-service-by-sms
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_textbelt_sms "--Nagios Service Notification-- Host: $HOSTNAME$, Service: $SERVICEDESC$, Description: $SERVICESTATE$, Time: $LONGDATETIME$"
# 'notify-host-by-sms' command definition
define command{
command_name notify-host-by-sms
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/send_textbelt_sms "--Nagios Host Notification-- Host: $HOSTNAME$, State: $HOSTSTATE$, Time: $LONGDATETIME$"
##Step 3 ##
Modify contacts.cfg
sudo nano /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/contacts.cfg
Modify your contact definition to look like the following:
define contact{
contact_name nagiosadmin ; Short name of user
use generic-contact ; Inherit default values from generic-contact template (defined above)
alias Nagios Admin ; Full name of user
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-sms ;sms notices
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-sms ;sms notices
email ; <<***** CHANGE THIS TO YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ******
The lines added to contacts.cfg are:
service_notification_commands notify-service-by-sms ;sms notices
host_notification_commands notify-host-by-sms ;sms notices
## Step 4 ##
Reload Nagios Configs
sudo /etc/init.d/nagios reload
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