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check_tripwire traps

Plugin shows a lists of hosts in which tripwire has detected violations.

A Nagios plug-in designed to report the status of volumes configured under the classic vinum system in FreeBSD 4.x and earlier.

nagiosXML creates structured network diagrams using Nagios configuration files.

check_mysql_longqueries is a Nagios plugin written in Perl that monitors a MySQL database server for queries (commands, and/or threads) that run longer than the configured threshold. Long running queries are especially problematic on tables whose engines ...
check mysql lagtime

greps lag time from mysql for slave replication, written in a shell script, so its easily portable.
ndo2db grapher

ndo2db grapher aim is to provide a quick way to retrieve informations in realtime against nagios values without external tools like RRD. To achieve this, I'm using ndoutils tool set which let you store performance data in a database.
check .ar domains expiration date

Check .ar (Argentinian) domains expiration date.

Plugin to check CDP or FDP neighbour table. This plug requires you to have installed libsnmp-info from and the necessary snmp MIB files.

Plugin to monitor changes of the IP address stored in the A record of a DNS resource.

Plugin to check if a gateway is used to reach a specified IP destination.

perf2rrd is a Java utility that will automate the extraction of performance data from Nagios plugins into round robin database files (.rrd's).
check mysql slave io running

checks to see if mysql slave io is running. written in a shell script, so its easily portable.

The pluging check_openvpn connects to the management OpenVPN server checks for actives connection and return the amount connected OpenVPN clients. it's forked from openvpn-status scripts.

Various Perl scripts that can be used to automate graph generation.
check mysql slave sql running

checks to see if mysql slave sql is running. written in a shell script, so its easily portable.
Check NDO update status

Perl Plugin, which checks the status of ndo using a sql query. Currently supported database type: MySQL

PerfParse facilitates the storage and analysis of binary performance data produced by Nagios and produces high-quality accurate graphs of live data from standard Nagios plugins. A permanent history of plugin results can then be viewed with advanced analys ...

Can check various settings/performance values on a Linksys WGT624 router. Capable of using the Linksys firmware and also DDWRT firmware (from

Check for new entries in an existing MySQL database in a specified time interval. will query each published nameserver for a domain, reporting any problem it finds. It checks for serial # mismatches, non-authoritative answers, unreachable or other lameness.
Cisco - Check gateway ISDN

Check Cisco gateway ISDN - Version 2.2 (17/03/2009)> Current calls (B-Channels used, and B-Channels free)
Cisco - Check MSFC

Check Cisco MSFC- Version 2.2 (07/03/2009)> Modules status
Cisco - Check NTP on MSFC and Switch

Check Cisco NTP on MSFC and Switch- Version 2.2 (07/03/2009)> NTP association

lwp-download-speed is a nagios-plugin based on the perl-download-program "lwp-download". This plugin is useful to measure the speed of a http-download.

rrd-graph is a Perl script which shares a common configuration scheme with fifo-rrd. rrd-graph will read the fifo-rrd configuration, along with it's own configuration to create graphs from the data stored in RRDs by fifo-rrd.
Check Ethernet-Interface

A simple network-interface status check-plugin (based on bash)

Checks the number of connections to a mysql server.

NSAT (Nagios Simple Automate Tools) is an RRDtool wrapper addon for Nagios.

Smistat is a set of CGI-Perl scripts used to generate RRDTool graphs using performance data provided by Nagios plugins. It includes a web-based graph wizard for those who are not experienced with RRDtool.

Check that a MySQL replication slave is running. Written in Perl using DBI and DBD::mysql.
NXE - Nagios XML Engine

The Nagios XML Engine (NXE for short) is an Open Source XML processing layer for the Nagios scheduling & monitoring platform. NXE provides an XML interface for the most critical aspects of managing and reporting on your Nagios infrastructure via XML.
Network Security Toolkit

Network Security Toolkit (NST) is a bootable ISO live CD/DVD is based on Fedora. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed Open Source Network Security Applications (including Nagios) and should run on most x86 platforms.

NagWatch32 is a Windows Based event browser for Nagios.
Nagwatch displays the entries from status.log in an "openview"-like Event Browser.

Checks mysql cluster ndbd daemon alive through ndb_mgm

This plugin gets the events logged by Prelude to a MySQL database in the last 5 Minutes and returns a status based on the specified limits.

NagVis is a visualization addon for Nagios. It can be used to visualize Nagios data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.
check_zrm_backup: Checks if a backup with Zamandas mysq...

This plugin will check the state of an today mysql-zrm backup
InnoDB Free Space

A shell script (/bin/sh) that connects to a specified MySQL database and checks the free innodb space.
MySQL find InnoDBs and check free space

Checks free space of all databases which contain InnoDB tables.
EMC Documentum Plugins

A collection of Nagios plugins for monitoring EMC Documentum.

The opdb project is a nagios broker that writes statistics and performance data to a mysql database.
Mysql master-master replication check

A plugin in a shell-script that checks whether the replication of a master-master mysql-serversetup is correct

OpCP is a capacity planning graph generator based on opdb ( nagios broker ) database.

OpCfg is a PHP-based HTTP configuration front-end to Nagios 3.x. OpCfg is a fork from Fruity.