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Directory Tree

The purpose of check_vss_shadowstorage.cmd is to identify any drives that are configured for storing shadow copies and identifying the maximum allowed space that VSS is allowed to use. If a drive is configured with the setting of "No limit" then you cou ...
Nagios XI Service Relationship Map

This diagram shows a graphical representation of how the components of Nagios XI work together. This would assist when reading the "Tips For Customising Configuration Wizards" document.
Tips For Customising Configuration Wizards

Nagios XI comes with built in Configuration Wizards that allow you to monitor a host with little effort. You may have a handful of services that you would like to add to a Configuration Wizard so you do not have to manually create them after the Configur ...
Nagios XI Group Creation Tool

This tool lets you create a sequence of groups. Handy for implementing a naming standard you already have in place. Lets say you have 200 clients. Each client has a unique number from 1 - 200. You can create 200 groups using this wizard. Example: clien ...
Host Creation Tool

This tool lets you create hosts in bulk. Ideal for adding hosts of a similar type quickly. It does NOT add services. You need a list of hosts, their addresses and optionally a description in a spreadsheet / CSV format. The format is address,host n ...
EMC CLARiiON Monitoring Wizard

This Wizard allows you to monitor an EMC CLARiiON SAN. You can monitor the following components of the SAN: * Storage Processors = Status of each SP * Storage Processors Information = Gets information on the SP (SP ID, Agent Revision, FLARE Revision, PRO ...

This is a Nagios plugin that checks the status of a Dell UPS via a network mananagement card. Specifically this is for the UPS devices manufactured by Eaton for Dell. You can monitor the following: Alarm Status Battery Monitoring Status Battery Remaining ...
Dell UPS Monitoring Wizard

This Wizard allows you to monitor Dell UPS via a network mananagement card. Specifically this is for the UPS devices manufactured by Eaton for Dell. You can monitor the following: Alarm Status Battery Monitoring Status Battery Remaining Battery Test Stat ...
Plugin Tool

This Component allows you to test Plugins and Commands. When you upload a plugin to your Nagios XI server you will usually want to test it first. This involves establishing an SSH session to the Nagios XI server and then typing some command line (CLI) st ...
History Tab

Adds a tab to Host and Service Detail screens to show history for comments, acknowledgements, downtime and external commands.
Text Dashlet

Allows you to add some Text to a dashlet. Nothing more, nothing less.
Status Info Dashlet

This Dashlet allows you to select a service definition and display the current status information as a Dashlet. For example, you want to watch the free space check on a particular server (it's been fluctuating recently for no reason). This Dashlet allow ...
Database Access For Development Purposes

Nagios XI comes as a ready to go monitoring system delivered as a virtual machine (VM). I have spent a bit of time developing Configuration Wizards, Components and Dashlets for Nagios XI and during this time I have needed to look at the backend databases ...
Box293 Demonstration Wizard

This wizard is an example of how to code Conifuguration Wizards. I created this for myself as reference material and as a template for new wizards I create. It should be used as a reference tool for customising your own wizards.

The purpose of this plugin is to check the Windows Paging File Size and Usage and return this information back to Nagios. The plugin can be run without any arguments, it will just return a service status of OK. Optionally you can trigger Warning or Crit ...

The purpose of this plugin is to get information on the Windows Terminal Services / Remote Desktop Session Host Usage and return this back to Nagios. The plugin runs without any arguments, it will just return a service status of OK. The plugin is not de ...

The purpose of this plugin is to allow you to trigger warning or critical states as you approach a date. This date might be the warranty expiry date on a server, or when a license needs renewing.
Text Dashlet Enhanced

This Dashlet allows you to add text to a dashlet and format the style of the text. You can define up to three seperate sections of text and format each section with different styles. If you do not like the pre-defined style options you can also choose to ...
Performance Data Tool

The purpose of the Performance Data Tool is to give you the ability to view and manipulate the .rrd and .xml performance data files on your Nagios XI host. This can be helpful for: * Viewing graphs for services that have been disabled ** Because they are ...

This Plugin allows you to monitor a VMware vCenter / ESX(i) environment using your Nagios monitoring solution. IMPORTANT: This Plugin is NOT designed to be run on your Nagios host, instead it is offloaded to the VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA). ...
box293_check_mbox is used to keep an eye on a local mbox account. Without manually checking the mbox reguarly, important system messages can go undetected. "You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root" = this is an mbox OPTIONS --help Display the help ...
VMware vMA Settings Manager

The VMware vMA Settings Manager is a component that is required for the VMware Virtualization Wizard. Instructions for the VMware vMA Settings Manager are included with the VMware Virtualization Wizard technical documentation.
VMware Virtualization Wizard

The VMware Virtualization Wizard monitors your VMware virtual environment by offloading the VMware checks to a vSphere Management Assistance (vMA) appliance. This is achieved by utilizing the plugin box293_check_vmware, it has been written specifically f ...
syslog Types

Simple Dashboard that has all the syslog types (0-7) pinned with a pie chart showing the breakdown. NOTE: The filter is configured to only show results that are of type:syslog.
DHCP Messages

A custom dashboard to give a breakdown on the different DHCP Messages. This has a query filter where the type must be syslog and the program must be dhcpd.

This Plugin checks the status of MySQL or MariaDB Database Tables. Will return a critical result if any of theses columns has a NULL value: * Engine, Version, Row_format, Rows, Avg_row_length, Data_length, Max_data_length, Index_length, Data_free, Create_ ...

This Plugin helps detect if there is a drift in the system time compared to the mysql time. Will report a CRITICAL status is the difference is more than 300 seconds. The plugin is just a bash script. USAGE box293_check_mysql_date [username] [password] ...

This Plugin is for checking the kernel message queues. Will return a critical result if more than 1 queue of the same owner exists. WARNING and/or CRITICAL thresholds can be defined on the number of message found in the queue. These need to be the second ...
Box293 Common User Account

This component is used to define a nagios user account (contact) which will be used by other Box293 Components/Dashlets/Wizards I have created. The purpose is to store the username and password so the end user is not prompted for it when required in othe ...
Check Profiler

The purpose of the Check Profiler is to allow you to look at how long checks take to execute on your Nagios XI host. This can be handy to get birds eye view of all your checks. This component requires the "Box293 Common User Account" component, this is ...

This plugin is designed to be running on a Raspberry Pi device that has the Sense HAT module connected to it. The plugin serves two purposes: 1) Monitoring the temperature and humidity to allow Nagios to alert when thresholds have been exceeded. 2) Scrol ...

This plugin will report what hard drives in the range A: - Z: exist on a Windows machine. This plugin uses NSClient++ to gather the information. The plugin will use check_nrpe (by default) or check_nt (if specified) to query the Windows machine. This plug ...
Nagios Core Log Filter

This filter takes the Nagios Core log data and stores it into many fields This filter works with Nagios XI as it uses Nagios Core in the backend To create the filter in Nagios Log Server navigate to Administration > Global Configuration > Filterss > Add F ...
Nagios - Hosts

Break down of host states This dashboard relies on the Nagios Core input filter
Nagios - Services

Break down of Service states This dashboard relies on the Nagios Core input filter
Nagios - Notifications

Break down of Nagios Notifications This dashboard relies on the Nagios Core input filter
Nagios - Stats

Statistical information about Nagios This dashboard relies on the Nagios Core input filter
Nagios XI Create Passive Object

* This output watches the Nagios Core log data for messages about objects that don't exist * Error: Got host checkresult for 'centos01', but no such host can be found * Error: Got check result for service 'New Service' on host 'centos01'. Unable to find ...

The purpose of this script is to create passive host and service objects in Nagios XI. Specifically these objects reflect the defaults that are used when running the wizard on the Unconfigured Objects page in Nagios XI. The script is intended to be used w ...