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check mysql slave sql running

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checks to see if mysql slave sql is running. written in a shell script, so its easily portable.
checks to see if mysql slave sql is running. written in a shell script, so its easily portable.
Reviews (4)
This is redundant: it's built into the nagios-plugins published 'check_mysql' package, which is tested and maintained. Use 'check_mysql -S' and review the options desired.
I got the script to work.
the write left out the host part.
to fix this you need to answer line to:
answer=`$mysqlpath/mysql -u $user -p$pass -h $host -e 'show slave status\G' | /bin/grep Slave_SQL_Running | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d:`
bytalonx, November 1, 2010
There's no support for a custom port. And the host parameter seems to be completely ignored.
byuneaqs, March 16, 2010
works very well, thank you!