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NXE - Nagios XML Engine

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The Nagios XML Engine (NXE for short) is an Open Source XML processing layer for the Nagios scheduling & monitoring platform. NXE provides an XML interface for the most critical aspects of managing and reporting on your Nagios infrastructure via XML.

NXE was designed to allow developers and system integrators to easily incorporate Nagios data into other IT systems via XML.If you want to create Nagios reports in XML, HTML, PDF, Microsoft Word or Excel, NXE is the tool for you. If you've always wished there was a customizable way to control Nagios operations via standard URL links or XML-RPC, NXE is the answer.

NXE will report the status of one or more Nagios systems as XML, it will allow you to transform this status XML using XSLT stylesheets to the format of your choice and NXE will process and create Nagios external commands on your behalf allowing you to control operations of your Nagios system via standard XML interfaces.