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Check the status of PERC5/i RAID controllers.
Ironport plugin with perfdata

This is a script to check RAM, CPU, QUEUE, Work Queue, and Mail Rate and other important parameters on Ironport Appliances and it returns performance data for graphing the results.

Various Nagios plugins designed to run on Windows for NRPE-based setups.
HPC Mini Cluster Monitoring with Ganglia and Nagios2

HPC Mini Cluster Monitoring with Ganglia and Nagios 2.
Installing Nagios 3.0 in Xbuntu 7.10

Installing Nagios 3.0 in Xbuntu 7.10
Nagios Presentation CUAS 2008

Nagios Presentation CUAS 2008. Presentation is in German.
FrOSCon 2008 [Systemmonitoring mit Nagios]

FrOSCon 2008 [Systemmonitoring mit Nagios]. German.
Implementacion de Nagios

Este es un proyecto de implementacion de un gestor de redes, Nagios.

Estudiantes de la carrera de LIATE Universidad Galileo.
Nagios Grupo 7

Proyecto de instalacion de nagios.
Galileo Nagios

Este es un video donde se muestra la configraciĆ³n y el fncionamiento de un administrador de redes en este caso NAGIOS

DescripciĆ³n basica de su configuraciĆ³n para un proyecto en la Universidad Galileo
Screencast of nagstamon in Windows

Screencast of nagstamon in Windows
Screencast of nagstamon in GNOME systray

Screencast of nagstamon in GNOME systray
Nagios - An Introduction to Network Management

Peter Savage gives a short talk on Nagios, the network monitoring software. He covers configuration of hosts and services, and how to use the web interface. Some very basic knowledge of networking is required.
Deploying Nagios in a Large Enterprise Environment, at ...

Invited talk by Carson Gaspar of Goldman Sachs, at the 21st Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '07), on the topic of deploying Nagios in a large enterprise environment. This talk will cover scalability issues, security issues, our d ...
Como Instalar SUSE 11 + NAGIOS

Check pf.conf sync

This check verifies that pf.conf is in sync between two different sources.

Nagios plugin designed to monitor vulnerable and/or obsolete packages installed on a FreeBSD system.

Nagios Plugin to monitor your FreeBSD Ports Tree for updates or installed packages with known security vulnerabilities.
check_raid_amrstat - Dell AMR PERC4 FreeBSD

Checks the status of PERC4 or similar MegaRAID SCSI RAID controllers under FreeBSD.
Monitor an IPsec VPN tunnel on OpenBSD

This article describes how to monitor an IPSEC tunnel running on OpenBSD. I could not find any plugin already done so I created my own.

check_osx_services uses the serveradmin command built in to OS X Server to check to see if various services are running and (optionally) to set warning and critical thresholds.

Tools and daemon to monitor Apple Xserve RAID (1.2-2)

check_gwiarl is a Bash script to parse Novell GroupWise XML Log Files that are created by Redline from Beginfinate including Performance Data.

check_ndslogin can used by Nagios to check every configured Server for eDirectory Login
check_nwstat with Performancedata

patched Version of check_nwstat ( codebase of check_nwstat.c from Nagios Plugins 1.4.2 ) Published in Nagios-Plugins CVS and so in the next release of Nagios Plugins.

Check the status of the POA, MTA, GWIA and GWWEB agents by SNMP.
Groupwise Checks

Some scripts we use to monitor our groupwise integrations. All written in php, yet the logic may be interesting for some.
Plugin/Agent for Netware 5.0 - 6.5

NWNAGMON is an NLM plugin for Netware 5.0 .. 6.5 checks some basic server props and sends them directly to a nagios server (nsca v3 packets)
Check hardware running VMware ESXi

Python script which permits you to check your hardware's health when it runs VMware (free) ESXi appliance.
Check VMWare Snapshot sizes

This shell script uses the output of the "find" command (published via snmp to avoid check_by_ssh or NRPE) to locate all the existing snapshots. It checks the size of each snapshot and based on your criteria sends a CRITICAL or OK status. Helps find forgo ...

Check CPU, Memory, Network, and VM Status on a VMWare ESX virtual server, via SNMP. Also support for MRTG querying, and listing VMs/interfaces. V2.3 fixes minor problems triggered by the Nagios 2 embedded perl compiler.

This perl script check the state of the Virtual Machines defined on an ESX server.

This shell script uses the output of the "vdf" command (published via snmp to avoid check_by_ssh or NRPE) to determine the free space of a given vmfs volume as measured in GB.
check_vmware for VMware Server

This script check the status of a VM in a VMware Server thru vmware-cmd command
VM-Ware ESX snapshot check

This shell script uses the output of the "find" command (published via snmp to avoid check_by_ssh or NRPE) to determine the existance of any snapshot files in a directory an its subdirectories within VM-Ware ESX servers.
VMWare ESX guest status checks

Check some aspects of VMWare ESX guests (cpu, memorry, netio, kernel and status)
Basic NRPE_NT Plugins

The plugins are DOS programs written in C/C++ The nrpe_nt service calls these plug-ins and they return the following status on exit with a status string for information printed to stdout.
Check All Logical Disks

Enumerates all local partitions and checks warning and critical levels.
Check CPUTime

Chkwin_cputime is a plugin for nrpe_nt that returns the used CPU time in %.
Check Disk

Check_disk is a plugin that will return the Total, Free and Used space in MB/GB And % of a given drive.
Check Dummy

Check_dummy is a plugin that will simply return the state corresponding to the numeric value of the state argument.