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nboard Featured

nboard provides a high-level overview of your network, with the capability to drill-down to find problems or indicate that a problem has been reviewed and is being worked on.
Nagios Speedview Featured

A neartime (max. 500ms after a measurement) client/server viewer for Nagios version 1.x that shows all the services with the measured values has a problem tab to quickly see those services that has errors.
Nagios Tray Icon Featured

Provides a Windows tray icon that shows the status of hosts and services on a Nagios server. Changes colors and plays a sound when the status changes.
NagiosDock Featured

NagiosDock is a Mac OS X application that provides a dock notification icon for the Nagios network monitoring system. Similar Systray (or System Tray) Utility Icons exist for Windows. This program provides this functionality to Mac OS X users.
nagtail Featured

Nagtail is a utility that provides a readable tail on the nagios status. Nagtail is like doing "tail -f" on the Nagios status-log. If put in a MultiTail window (, it is nicely colored which enables you to quickly see what is ...
Nagios-2-HPopenview Connection Featured

This script is written to attach Nagios to an HP-Openview instance through the notification functions of Nagios.
The Future of Nagios - Innovation, Collaboration, Commu... Featured

PDF of "The Future of Nagios - Innovation, Collaboration, Communication" presentation given by Ethan Galstad on June 3rd, 2009 at the Nordic Meet on Nagios 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Nabaztag Notification Hack Featured

Cool hack for connecting Nabaztag to Nagios for notification purposes and all-around no-fuzz, wifi bunny-like goodness.
NAmpel - Nagios Ampel Project Featured

NAmpel is a daemon for visualizing the state of a network using Nagios and a set of status LEDs attached to a parallel port.
Nagios Blinkenlights Featured

Visualize Nagios status on a map using LEDs. Cool stuff!
Scrolling LED for Nagios Status Featured

Display Nagios message on a scrolling LED.
MNTOS Featured

MNTOS (Multi Nagios Tactical Overview System) gathers data from multiple Tactical overview pages on Nagios sites and compile it into a single XML file. The XML file can be used by any frontend supporting XML. Perfect tool when dealing with many nagios sit ...
nagircbot Featured

NagIRCBot is an IRC bot logs into an channel on an irc server and announces new nagios statusses.
R2-D2 projector server monitoring system Featured

Some Nagios fans in Japan made a cool video showing a mashup of Nagios and an R2-D2 unit. Check it out!
Official Nagios Core Documentation Featured

The official Nagios documentation in HTML and PDF formats.
Network Symbols Featured

6 Network Symbols - distributed under GPL. Router, Switch, Network, VPN, etc.
Vendor Logos Featured

Vendor logos including Cisco, IBM, Juniper, Nortel and Lucent. Also includes logos for many operating systems / Linux distributions. Distributed under GPL.
White line images Featured

Stylish icons for Nagios. V 0.1 These icons are a modificated version of the icons set on
MIB Depot Featured

mibDepot is a free service to the SNMP community and offers a unique Search Engine with over 6200 SNMP MIBs representing over 910,000 MIB object definitions.
US Terror Alert Featured

Based on Ian Bissett's UK Terror Alert.
Nagios SNMP Trap Interface (NSTI) Featured

Nagios SNMP Trap Interface is a JavaScript and Bootstrap frontend for the Python and MySQL backend that SNMPTT creates. It allows you to filter SNMP results quickly and effectively to get a comprehensive overview of the information you want to see. The ne ...
UnicenterService Desk Ticket Automation Script

A Nagios script that allow the dynamic and automtization of ticket creation in Unicenter Service Desk. The script is still under development, but has been test with Unicenter Service Desk 11. By Felipe Ferreira.

NRPE_NT is a Windows version of the NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) daemon for unix-like operation systems. It provides methods to execute Nagios service checks on a Windows host and report the results back to your Nagios host.

NSClient++ is a monitoring agent/daemon for Windows systems that works with Nagios. It is a replacement for NSClient and NRPE_NT.

A plugin to check an OTRS database for tickets with specified queue and ticket state.
Nagios OTRS Integration

Scripts to send emails to OTRS in the case of new errors or recoveries in Nagios. - RT Integration

A Perl script that will create tickets in RT when an Alarm is acknowledged in Nagios.
SendNagiosAlert - RT Integration

A script that you can use to send an alert to Nagios if a ticket is new or open in a particular RT queue(s).
AutoCloseOnNagiosRecoveryMessages - RT Integration

A Nagios and RT integration script that merges all pending open/new PROBLEM messages related to a given RECOBERY message and automatically close/resolve these tickets.
AIX 5.3 Binaries - NRPE, NSCA, Nagios Plugins

AIX 5.3 binaries for: nrpe 2.12, nsca 2.7.2, nagios-plugins 1.4.11, check_logfiles, and check_procs
AIX 5.3 Binaries - Nagios Plugins 1.4.5

AIX 5.3 precompiled binaries of Nagios Plugins 1.4.5. No mysql/game support.
AIX 5.2 Binaries - NRPE and Nagios Plugins

AIX 5.2 precompiled binaries for NRPE and the official Nagios Plugins. Binaries are confirmed to work on AIX 5.3 as well.

NC_Net is a Windows monitoring agent for Nagios. It can perform both passive and active checks, as well as WMI checks, and can run external scripts. Full local or remote configuration. Uses Dot Net Framework 2.0.
SSH Server

SSH Server is meant to help run large amounts of Nagios service checks by remote ssh.

A check_by_ssh like wrapper plugin with caching function
check for clariion controllers

Plugin to check EMC Clarion SAN volume controllers.

Check Vulnerabilities FreeBSD "ports", Gentoo "portage", NetBSD "audit-package"

Plugin for monitoring the price of a product on Amazon.
check_arcor - Cost Control for Arcor

Cost Control for your Arcor bill. Kostenkontrolle für die Arcor Festnetzrechnung.

Check status of SGI's Data Management Facility (DMF) - a hierarchical storage management solution.
check_eplus - Cost control for your mobiles at eplus

This plugin informs you before your phone bill is getting too expensive.

Checks Macrovision FLEXlm license servers. (Requires the lmutil utility for your OS running Nagios - see to obtain this).

A feature complete PERL plugin designed to monitor the status of GEOM mirror, stripe, raid3, concat, and shsec volumes on FreeBSD systems. It monitors gmirror very nicely ;)

Simple bash script for GPFS Filesystem (Global Parallel FS) checks. It will check status, inodes, mount and fill level of the fill system. You must execute this plugin local.
check_hetzner - checking monthly traffic limit of your ...

This plugin checks the traffic of your hosts at the german hoster hetzner.

Perl script that runs an injection/extraction test on a MogileFS instance.

Nagiostat parses performance-data from Nagios and generates graphs of trends over time. Nagiostat makes use of RRD-tool. It then generates graphs on-the-fly through a CGI-script and HTML-templates. Nagiostat is written in perl.