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Websensor EM01b Featured

Plugins for monitoring ESensors' Websensor EM01b environmental monitoring unit, which is capable of monitoring temperature, light level, and humidity.
Lilac Network Configuration Platform Featured

Lilac is originally intended to be a fork of Fruity, a popular Nagios Configuration Tool. Lilac will initially release a final 1.0 release of the codebase which will support Nagios 2.x fully.
EDITORS NOTE: This project appears to have been discontinu ...
EZNag Featured

EZNag is a all-in-one package for Linux that make the installation and configuration of Nagios easy. It also adds some functionnalities to improve Nagios administration and exploitation.
Mobile Admin Featured

Rove Mobile Admin – IT Management From Your Smartphone. Featuring a Real-time Dashboard that displays Nagios notifications directly on your mobile device, you are alerted to problems as soon as they are detected. Drilling into the problem is fast and ef ...
Nag Small Screen Featured

Nag Small Screen is a minimalist web interface intended to be viewed on small screens such as on web-enabled phones and Blackberries. Rather than show your entire status grid, it shows only those hosts or services that are at critical or warning status.
Blosxom4Nagios Featured

A flexible, powerful RSS/Atom notification handler for Nagios. By Gavin Carr.
Traied Nagios Featured

Traied Nagios is a Windows daemon for checking Nagios. It hides in system tray and provides visual and audible error status reporting.
nsc (Nagios Console Monitor) Featured

nsc (Nagios Console Monitor) is a curses-based console monitor for Nagios. By Stig H. Jacobsen.
NaReTo Featured

NaReTo stand for Nagios Reporting Tools. NaReTo goals is to give administrators reporting and availability of servers and groups.
SNMPTT (SNMP Trap Translator) Featured

SNMPTT (SNMP Trap Translator) is an SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the Net-SNMP / UCD-SNMP snmptrapd program ( By Alex Burger.
NSCA - Nagios Service Check Acceptor Featured

NSCA is a Linux/Unix daemon allows you to integrate passive alerts and checks from remote machines and applications with Nagios. Useful for processing security alerts, as well as redundant and distributed Nagios setups.
NRPE - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Featured Popular

NRPE allows you to remotely execute Nagios plugins on other Linux/Unix machines. This allows you to monitor remote machine metrics (disk usage, CPU load, etc.). NRPE can also communicate with some of the Windows agent addons, so you can execute scripts an ...
NDOUtils Featured

NDOUtils allows you to export current and historical data from one or more Nagios instances to a MySQL database. Several community addons use this as one of their data sources. NDOUtils consists of a standalone daemon, a Nagios event broker, and several ...
Nagios Plugins (Official) Featured

The Nagios Plugins Development Team maintains a bundle of more than fifty standard plugins for Nagios and other monitoring applications that use the straightforward plugin interface originally invented by the Nagios folks. Each plugin is a stand-alone com ...
nagioschecker - Firefox Addon Featured

nagioschecker is a cool addon for Firefox that provides a statusbar indicator of the events from Nagios. Information is parsed from Nagios web interface.
Nagios XI Featured

Nagios XI is Nagios Enterprises' official professional version of Nagios that is designed to make problematic IT monitoring tasks simple, while retaining the powerful attributes of its enterprise-class foundation blocks.
Designed for scalability and fl ...
Nagios XI Wizard Installation Instructions Featured

This quick guide takes you through the steps of installing new configuration wizards in Nagios XI.
Nagios Commercial Adoption and Community Innovation Featured

A video of a presentation given by Ethan Galstad at the Nagios and OSS Monitoring event in Bolzano, Italy on May 20th, 2010.
NRDP - Nagios Remote Data Processor Featured

Nagios Remote Data Processor (NDRP) is a flexible data transport mechanism and processor for Nagios. It is designed with a simple and powerful architecture that allows for it to be easily extended and customized to fit individual users' needs. It uses st ...
Official Nagios XI Documentation Featured

The official documentation for Nagios XI is on the Nagios Library at
Installing XI Components Featured

This document describes how to upload, install, and manage components in Nagios XI.
Installing XI Dashlets Featured

This document describes how to install dashlets in Nagios XI.
Nagios XI User Guide Featured

The online user guide for Nagios XI.
Nagios XI Administrator Guide Featured

The administrator guide for Nagios XI.
Nagios Videos On Youtube Featured

Check out the official Nagios video on Youtube at
Exchange Server Monitoring Wizard Featured

This Nagios XI wizard allows you to easily monitor Microsoft Exchange servers - including service states, protocol availability, and performance metrics.
NCPA Featured

NCPA is a cross-platform monitoring agent that runs on Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac OS/X machines. Its features include both active and passive checks, remote management, and a local monitoring interface.
NPush Featured

NPush is a utility that employs advanced technology to automate the installation of monitoring agents and other software on remote machines. NPush is also capable of querying basic information about the remote host (including architecture and OS version) ...
Nagios Log Server Featured

Nagios Log Server is a powerful enterprise-class log monitoring and management application that allows organizations to quickly and easily view, sort, and configure logs from any source on any given network. Log Server is designed to analyze, collect, a ...

Nagios2JSON is a Nagios enhancement that allows you to send status of hosts and services, etc. using JSON format.
Currency Rate Monitoring Script

A really neat plugin that will monitor and graph currency exchange values. By Felipe Ferreira.
OpenVZ Bean Counters Nagios Script

A script designed to be executed on an OpenVZ host machine, which allows Nagios to monitor /proc/user_beancounters to see if resource limits have been reached. By Kyle Brandt.

Nmap2Nagios is a PERL script and XML configuration files used to convert NMAP XML output into Nagios or Netsaint host, hostgroup and service configuration.

nmap2nagios-ng is a perl-script for generating object configuration files from the XML output of the Port- and Securityscanner Nmap automatically.

NagMod is an addon software used to load and manage all kinds of Nagios configurations files.

NaWui stands for Nagios Administration Web User Interface. It is a Web frontend written in PHP to manage Nagios configurations and Database records. Database connectivity is supported using plugins, which simplifies the way records are stored.

NagMIN is a enterprise class Network Monitoring System, Powered by Nagios, WebMIN, RRDtool, Nmap, Fping, Net::SNMP, Syslog-NG and other open source software providing web-based administration, and enhanced web portal to help you manage your network.
Nagios-Admin Webmin Module

This module allows an administrator to modify the Nagios configuration from within Webmin.
Nagios Web Config

A PHP/MySQL based front-end for Nagios 2.x setup. Complete with the ability to add/remove hosts, hostgroups, contacts, contactgroups, services, timeperiods and commands.

NagEdit is a PHP and mySQL based tool to create configuration files for Nagios.

Nagat, or Nagios Administration Tool, is a web-based solution written in PHP for configuring Nagios.

Genma is a Nagios configuration file generator for Windows' systems that use the nsclient. It creates the host.cfg and services.cfg files. It is written in C# and requires .Net 2.0 or greater.

Use cheops-ng to make your Nagios status map look great. ezmap consists of two scripts that can convert the configuration between Nagios and cheops-ng.

Nagios EventLog agent for Windows sends filtered EventLog messages from Windows machines directly to NSCA, allowing you to receive alerts from Nagios.
Nuvola Style

Nuvola Style is a complete Nagios theme/style (including menu, icons, stylesheets, and images) for Nagios 2.x and Nagios 3.x
Nuvola Style for Nagios 1.x

Modified version of Nuvola Style to work with Nagios 1.x. Test to work with Nagios 1.3.

NCPL is a webbased solution written in PERL for configuring Nagios. NCPL gives you centralized control over remote Nagios systems from a central server and permits to edit and install new config files. It uses MySQL to store configuration data.
Nagios Config

Nagios Config is a PHP-based web front-end for configuring Nagios.
Microsoft MSN Notifications

This script allows you to send Nagios notifications via MSNP (Microsoft Notification Protocol). Perl script connects to MSNP ( and sends notifications via MSN. Changes: * Updated hostname of the Passport login server. * Ripped ...