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NRPE - Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Featured Popular

NRPE allows you to remotely execute Nagios plugins on other Linux/Unix machines. This allows you to monitor remote machine metrics (disk usage, CPU load, etc.). NRPE can also communicate with some of the Windows agent addons, so you can execute scripts an ...
/Category:Monitoring Agents
NSCA - Nagios Service Check Acceptor Featured

NSCA is a Linux/Unix daemon allows you to integrate passive alerts and checks from remote machines and applications with Nagios. Useful for processing security alerts, as well as redundant and distributed Nagios setups.
/Category:Passive Checks
Nagios V-Shell Featured Popular

Nagios V-Shell is a PHP web interface to Nagios Core that is designed to be lightweight, easy to install and use, and customizable. As of v1.7, V-Shell now has gettext support for internationalization.
Version 1.9 has now been overhauled for substant ...
/Category:Web Interfaces