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Replacement for check_mysql that allows to set thresholds for any variables in SHOW STATUS or for similar SQL queries. Data is also made available for graphing or other use (graphing templates enclosed). The plugin will determine appropriate "SHOW STATUS" ...

This plugin checks that time on remote host is no more than specified number of seconds different than on nagios server. The time is checked using TCP or UDP using either daytime (port 13) or time (port 37) protocols.
check_localtime - can do hearbeat alert

This is a special plugin that will check localtime on the system its running on and for specified time will generate an alert. This is useful for setting up regular hearbeat alerts.
check_netstat / check_snmp_netstat

This plugin checks number of open tcp connections and can send warnings or critical alert of there are too many or too few. Can run either directly on the box or use SNMP.

General temperature check plugin - supports dell, hp, cisco, juniper, alteon. Other types can be specified easily if you know temperature SNMP OIDs. Data can also be returned as performance values for graphing or other processing.
Baytech PDU Monitoring Plugin

This is a nagios plugin that checks Baytech PDUs. It will report and allow to set alerts on Current, Temperature, Power when you give it name of the PDU.
Check Dell Megaraid - PercSNMP controller and drives st...

This is updated and partially rewritten version of John Reuning's check_megaraid which in addition to supporting report of status of logical and physical drives now also checks for medium and other errors. Reporting format is also extended.
Check Dell server power supplies status

Plugin specificly for purposes of checking status of dell server power pupplies via snmp (so you must have openmanage installed on the server)
Profiler to check plugin execution time

This is a simple perl script that parses /var/log/nagios/status.dat and prints how long execution of each service type took. Useful for performance tuning. THIS IS NOT A PLUGIN - it is a console utility.
check_snmp_raid / check_sasraid_megaraid

This plugin uses SNMP to check status of raid cards and NAS devices. The type of controller is specified with -T option. Supported types are: megaraid, sasraid, perc3, perc4, perc5, perc6, perch700, mptfusion, sas6ir, sas6, adaptec, hp, smartarray, eti ...

Checks TFTP service by trying to retrieve specified file. By William Leibzon.

Checks JBOSS attributes using twiddle utility.
Advanced Network Interface Check - check_netint / check...

This plugin checks port status, STP, traffic and errors data of network interfaces. It is optimized for faster execution and has advanced support of cisco switches. Starting with 2.4 version it be used both with SNMP and run locally on linux servers. The ...
Check Linux CPU, Process Scheduler and I/O Stats (chec...

This plugin provides data on CPU Utilization and Linux Schedule by reading /proc/stat parses all data into performance variables. Warning and critical alerts can be issued if CPU Utilization is high.

This is Memcached Check plugin. It gets stats variables and allows to set thresholds on their value or their rate of change. It can measure response time, calculate hitrate, memory utilization and other data. It also returns status variables as perfomance ...
Disabled Status Patch

This patch adds support for DISABLED status. This is a new type of status for any service that you disabled active checks. These checks will no longer show up under problems no matter what status they may have had before. The main use is when you add s ...
check_uptime / check_snmp_uptime

This plugin returns uptime of a system in text (readable) format as well as in minutes for performance graphing. The plugin can either run on a local unix system (using 'uptime' command) or check remote system by SNMP. The plugin can report one CRITICAL o ... - experimental plugin base & l...

This is an experimental library I was working on in 2008 to make it easier to write plugins similar to ones I've written without really writing any plugin code and just defining how data is retrieved. It started from the code from I believe check_snmp_tem ...

This plugin provides unix memory statistics data from NetSNMP and calculates amount and percent of used memory and free memory, as well amounts and percent of used system, user, buffer, cache. SWAP memory in use is also returned. All data retrieved can be ...
check_by_snmp / check_snmp_extend / check_snmp_exec

This plugin lets you use extended functionality of SNMP to execute plugins remotely in a way similar to NRPE. In its second mode of operation it allows to use results from some command or a remote data file with actual processing of the data done by a plu ...
nagios embedded perl that lets redirect STDOUT

This is a modified version of used by embedded nagios (usually in nagios/bin) that lets perl plugins redirect STDOUT, but only in perl. - Check files age and number of files in...

This plugin takes "ls"-like file spec (such as *.tmp) and counts how many such files are there allowing to send alerts if its too many. It can also check file age and alert if file or directory has not been updated in a while. Performance info on number o ...

This is Redis Server Check plugin. It gets stats variables and allows to set thresholds on their value or their rate of change. It can measure response time, hitrate, memory utilization, check replication sync and much more.You can also query specific key ...
check_snmp_netint - Advanced Network Interface Check

This is a placeholder for those who followed old links to find popular check_snmp_netint plugin on Nagios Exchange. The plugin has been renamed check_netint as its no longer limited to SNMP, so look for "check_netint / check_snmp_netint - Advanced Netwo ...