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This is a nagios plugin to check JBOSS server attributes. It requires local JBOSS provided twiddle utility to be available and will call it (and consequently JAVA process) to actually connect to JBOSS server. Therefore keep in mind that this plugin requires rather heavy processing and you're lot better off doing this through NRPE.
For setup make sure to adjust path to twiddle which is rather non-standard in this plugin by default (/opt/jboss/bin/twiddle) and make sure you have either in the directory specified with "use lib" or comment it out uncomment 'my %ERRORS' and 'my $TIMEOUT'.
This plugin is one of the earliest types of my plugins that retrieve data on multiple attributes and allow to specify both low and high warning and critical numbers. Being "earlier" version this does not support ">" and "
For setup make sure to adjust path to twiddle which is rather non-standard in this plugin by default (/opt/jboss/bin/twiddle) and make sure you have either in the directory specified with "use lib" or comment it out uncomment 'my %ERRORS' and 'my $TIMEOUT'.
This plugin is one of the earliest types of my plugins that retrieve data on multiple attributes and allow to specify both low and high warning and critical numbers. Being "earlier" version this does not support ">" and "
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