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check_dhcp localhost 00:de:ad:be:ef:00 Uses dhcping from Edwin Groothuis, (

Check health and perf data of MD3200 and MD3000. Requires SMcli be installed on the system. And centreon/nagios have rights to execute it. 2015/03/27: Added a --no-ping-check option If you can provide results of the following smcli command, it would ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Check Cloudera Manager API Alternatively lists users and in verbose mode also roles for each user in Cloudera Manager Use API ping as a base dependency check for the real checks in adjacent check_cloudera_manager_*.pl plugins in the Advanced Nagios ...

Perl based telnet to a Cisco and uses ping, supports vrf routing tags.

check_by_ssh_master is a Nagios plugin that allows plugins to be executed on remote hosts over SSH. It is similar to check_by_ssh but has two advantages: It uses one or more master connections to improve speed, and it supports escaping of parameters whic ...

The command line options are: check_brocade_ports -H -c (optional: -f -D -p ) For example: ./ -H ls_fc_sw1 -c public
check_backup (for any backup system)

The check_backup plugin is designed to provide a generic way to check the status of backup processes by reading the contents of a file your scripts will leave either locally to the Nagios server, or on a remotely accessible host through ssh. The file i ...

NAGIOS plugin to perform an arping check for hosts that block ping (use case: monitoring Alexa/Echo Dots). The message output and performance metrics exactly mirrors the standard check_ping plugin, for seamless replacement operation :)

The script checks the occupancy of IP addresses in the local network. With the IP address as a parameter to get the MAC address.

Simple arping wrapper for those who doesn't answer to ping. Needs python2 and arping from iproute2 suite.

This script as a event handle procedure for switch on gateway cluster. this script evalute the rate on ping failed on group ip and set new route for othergw.
Check XenServer

Check Xenserver through its API ( Ability to check : - Memory of all hosts in a pool (check_mem) - CPU of all hosts in a pool (check_cpu) - Storage Repositories in a pool (ch ...
Check Upstart Job Status

This plugin checks the status of a given Upstart job name on Linux hosts (e.g. Ubuntu) and reports a warning if the job is in the process of stopping and critical if it's stopped.
Check Remote Oracle through Ssh (No need to install Ora...

New version 0.3 to fetch real undo usage ("UNEXPIRED SEGMENTS") (New version 0.2 with active sessions count, ASM diskgroups and hard/soft parsing percentage ratios check) This is the original official check_oracle nagios plugin, developed by latigid ...
Check Ping - with MTR and custom outputs

An extension of a basic ICMP test script idea. The check does fairly boring ICM check of a host. On packet loss it can run a MTR ( ) check and email the results to the specified address. (Requires that t ...

Bash script to call hping3 (or hping2) to send a TCP SYN ping to any port with a TCP service on the host. Useful when ICMP is not available
Arkoon images

Arkoon Network Security logos Logos for appliances, clusters, virtual appliances. Logos for services you monitor on Arkoon via TCP,SNMP,PING : load, ram, disk usage, swap, process running...

APANgen is a script to help add APAN-enabled services quickly to an existing Nagios installation. Currently APANgen can add ping, nt-disk, and unix disk checks.