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Check Automatic Services for Windows (Advanced Nagios P...


Checks all automatic Windows services are running. Accepts exclusions. Written Natively to work on any modern Windows system and can be used with any standard Nagios remote execution method.


check_dhcpd_leases.py (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...


Shows dhcp leases assigned by ISC DHCPd. Formatting is flexible, can display combinations of Hostnames/IP/Macs. Can ALERT on leases handed out to unauthorized Hosts/Macs using any combination of Host/Mac Whitelists/Blacklists.

/Category:DHCP and BOOTP

check_riak_key.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Checks a specific Riak key via HTTP Rest API 1. reads a specified Riak key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) raises warning/critica ...

check_auth.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Validates user accounts are available (eg LDAP) with no duplicate UID/GIDs


check_cluster_perfdata.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...


Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here: https://github.com/harisekhon/nagios-plugins ./check_cluster_perfdata.pl --help Nagios Plugin to aggregate perfdata across all instances of a service check, optionally using a give ...

check_cluster_version.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...


Checks all instances of a cluster are the same version. Uses Nagios macros containing output of host specific checks showing the version strings in their output. Requires each server having a check outputting it's application version which this plugin the ...

check_context_switches.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Checks the number of context switches on the a Linux server. Designed to be called over NRPE


check_dns.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection) Popular


Checks DNS records including A, NS and MX records for domains which the standard check_dns Nagios plugin can't do


check_file_descriptors.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...


Counts the number of total allocated file descriptors on a system. Designed to be called over NRPE


check_git_branch_checkout.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...


Check a Git working copy is in the right branch. Primarily written for puppetmasters to make sure prod and staging environment dirs had the right branches checked out in them


check_hadoop_balance.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...


Checks HDFS Space Balance used across datanodes is within thresholds. Lists the nodes out of balance in verbose mode

check_hadoop_datanodes.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...


Checks number of available datanodes and if there are any dead datanodes

check_hadoop_dfs.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...


Various HDFS checks based on dfsadmin -report, unified version of various HDFS plugins I've written over the years

check_hadoop_hdfs_space.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...


Checks % HDFS space used. Based off an earlier plugin I wrote in 2010 that we used in production for over 2 years before replacing with this one

check_hadoop_jobtracker.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...


Various checks against a Hadoop MapReduce cluster by querying the JobTracker

check_hadoop_mapreduce_nodes.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugin...


Checks available MapReduce nodes and detect any Blacklisted nodes - any Blacklisted nodes raises Critical - checks optional thresholds for the minimum number of available MapReduce nodes available (default 0 == disabled)

check_hadoop_mapreduce_nodes_active.pl (Advanced Nagios...


Detects which MapReduce nodes aren't active in the JobTracker if given a node list - checks optional thresholds for the maximum number of missing nodes from the specified list (default 0 == CRITICAL on any missing, you may want to set these thresholds ...

check_hadoop_metrics.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...


Checks metrics from a given Hadoop daemon's JMX /metrics page, supports JobTracker, TaskTracker, HBase Master & RegionServer

check_hadoop_namenode.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...


Various checks against the Hadoop HDFS Cluster via the Namenode JSP pages including NameNode Heap usage

check_hbase_regionservers.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...


Check the number of RegionServers that are dead or alive using HBase Stargate Rest API (Thrift API doesn't support this information at time of writing)

check_hbase_regionservers_jsp.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugi...


Checks the number of RegionServers that are dead or alive using the HBase Master JSP

check_hbase_tables.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...


Checks given HBase table(s) via the HBase Thrift Server API Checks: 1. Table exists 2. Table is enabled 3. Table has Columns 4. Table's regions are all assigned to regionservers

check_hbase_tables_stargate.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins...


Checks given HBase table(s) are online via the HBase Stargate Rest API Server

check_linux_interface.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...


Checks a Linux Interface for errors, promisc mode etc, designed to be run locally on machine over NRPE or similar

check_memcached_write.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...


Checks a Memcached server by writing and reading back a unique key value pair Checks: 1. writes a unique short lived key with dynamically generated value 2. reads back key 3. checks the returned value is identical to that written 4. records the r ...


check_mysql_config.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...


Checks MySQL config file matches running MySQL server configuration. Primarily written to check that DBAs hadn't changed any running DB from Puppet deployed config without backporting their changes.


check_mysql_query.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio... Popular


Checks MySQL arbitrary queries against regex matches or numerical ranges, with perfdata support. Obsoleted so many of my custom MySQL related checks, one of my all time favourite plugins!


check_nagiostats.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...


Shows the Nagios stats with perfdata for graphing purposes


check_puppet.rb (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Puppet various checks The check_puppet.rb Nagios plugin checks the following: 1. Exactly 1 puppetd process is running 2. Puppet has run successfully recently (state file has been updated) 3. Puppet runs are enabled 4. The puppet version installed ...

check_riak_ringready.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...


Checks that all Riak nodes agree on state. Useful to check that ring state has settled after changing cluster memberships

check_riak_write.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...


Checks Riak is working and writeable via the HTTP Rest API Checks: 1. writes a new unique key to the nagios bucket with dynamically generated value 2. reads key back, checking the value is identical to the value generated and written 3. deletes th ...

check_ssh_login.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Checks SSH login credentials. Originally written to verify the login credentials across Dell DRAC infrastructure

/Category:Remote Access

check_ssl_cert.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection) Popular


Check SSL Certificate Validity: 1. Certificate Expiry in days 2. Chain of Trust 2a. Root CA certificate is trusted 2b. Any intermediate certificates are present, especially important for Mobile devices 3. Domain name on certificate (optional) ...

/Category:Web Servers

check_svn_mirror.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...


Checks a Subversion mirror/slave is up to date compared to it's master


check_tftp.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


Checks a TFTP Server by fetching a given file from the server


check_whois.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection) Popular


Checks domain expiry via whois lookup. This is an important piece of code given that ppl overlook domain renewals till the last minute (and auto-renewals fail when their cached credit cards have expired)

check_zookeeper.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)


ZooKeeper Checks: 1. ruok - checks to see if ZooKeeper reports itself as ok 2. isro - checks to see if ZooKeeper is still writable 3. mode - checks to see if ZooKeeper is in the proper mode (leader/follower) vs standalone 4. avg latency - the averag ...

check_aws_s3_file.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...


Checks if a given file is present in AWS S3 via the HTTP Rest API


check_zookeeper_znode.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle... Popular


Flexible ZooKeeper znode check, useful for HBase, SolrCloud, Hadoop NameNode HA & JobTracker HA ZKFC or any other ZooKeeper based service. Checks: 1. root znode ("/") exists ( we are successfully connected to ZooKeeper(s), tries all given ZooKeepers ...

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