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check_hbase_regionservers_jsp.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

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Checks the number of RegionServers that are dead or alive using the HBase Master JSP
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here:


./check_hbase_regionservers_jsp.pl --help

Nagios Plugin to check the number of RegionServers that are dead or alive using the HBase Master JSP

Checks the number of dead RegionServers against warning/critical thresholds and lists the dead RegionServers

Recommended to use check_hbase_regionservers.pl instead which uses the HBase Stargate Rest API since parsing the JSP is very brittle and could easily break between versions

Written and tested on CDH 4.3 (HBase 0.94.6-cdh4.3.0)

usage: check_hbase_regionservers_jsp.pl [ options ]

-H --host HBase Master to connect to
-P --port HBase Master JSP Port to connect to (defaults to 60010)
-w --warning Warning threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-c --critical Critical threshold or ran:ge (inclusive)
-h --help Print description and usage options
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode
-V --version Print version and exit