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harisekhon (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Check Cloudera Manager API Alternatively lists users and in verbose mode also roles for each user in Cloudera Manager Use API ping as a base dependency check for the real checks in adjacent check_cloudera_manager_*.pl plugins in the Advanced Nagios ... (Advanced Nag...

Checks given CDH Hadoop cluster major release version via Cloudera Manager Rest API (Advanced Nagios...

Checks Cloudera Manager service/role config staleness (restart required) via CM Rest API (Advanced N...

Checks Cloudera Manager config validation for services/roles via CM Rest API Use verbose mode to print explanations for any non-OK configs if available (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Checks service/role/host health in Cloudera Manager via CM Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plug...

Checks Cloudera Manager license expiry using CM API Calculates the number of days left on license and compares against given thresholds Also checks if the license is running free version either 'Cloudera Standard' or 'Cloudera Express' and if the li ... (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Check Start/Stop state of a service/role in Cloudera Manager via CM Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plug...

Checks Cloudera Manager version via Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Nagios Plugin to check an 0xdata H20 machine learning cluster via REST API Checks: - cloud healthy state - consensus among H2O instances Optional Checks: - cloud name - number of H2O instances in cloud - cloud locked (stabilized - accepts n ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Check stats for given node in an 0xdata H20 machine learning cluster via REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Check jobs and failed jobs on an 0xdata H20 machine learning cluster via REST API Warning and Critical thresholds are applied to the number of failed jobs, by default any failed jobs trigger CRITICAL (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a Spark cluster via the Spark Master HTTP interface Optional thresholds can be applied to the number of Spark Workers (Advanced Nagios Plugins ...

Check Spark cluster memory used % via the Spark Master HTTP interface (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Checks a Spark cluster for dead workers via the Spark Master HTTP interface (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Check a Spark Worker via HTTP interface Optionally checks the memory used % of the worker if given thresholds (Advanced Nagios Plugins...

Nagios Plugin to check Linux system load normalized / averaged against the number of CPU cores to give a more accurate impression of how CPU bound the entire server is across all CPUs/cores Makes it easy to check load across all servers with the same c ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Checks the Neo4j stats of IDs allocated for Nodes, Relationships, Properties etc using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Checks the Neo4j data store sizes using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Checks whether a Neo4j instance is Read Only using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks Neo4j version using the Neo4j REST API (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Checks whether a Neo4j instance allows a remote shell using the Neo4j REST API Raises critical if remote shell is enabled (Advanced Nagi...

Checks IBM BigInsights Console version (Advanced Nagios Plugin...

Checks IBM BigInsights Agents via the BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - stopped agents (includes dead) vs thresholds (default: w=0, c=1) - operational agents vs running agents (warning if differ) - outputs perfdata for graphing of running/ope ... (Advanced Nagios P...

Checks the deployed status of an IBM BigInsights Application via BigInsights Console REST API (Advanced N...

Checks the last run status of an IBM BigInsights BigSheets Workbook via BigInsights Console REST API (Advanced Nagios Plug...

Checks IBM BigInsights File/Directory on HDFS or GPFS via BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - File/directory existence - check whether the given path is a file or directory Directory Checks: The following additional checks may be ... (Advanced Nag...

Checks IBM BigInsights HDFS Space Used % via BigInsights Console REST API Raises Critical on any blocks with Corrupt replicas or Missing replicas. Warning/Critical thresholds are applied to Under-replicated blocks. [Hadoop] (Advanced ...

Checks IBM BigInsights Hadoop HDFS Space Used % via BigInsights Console REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins...

Checks IBM BigInsights Nodes via the BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - dead nodes vs thresholds (default: w=0, c=1) - outputs perfdata of live and dead nodes [Hadoop] (Adva...

Checks IBM BigInsights Service Details via BigInsights Console REST API Supported Services: mr_summary - checks MapReduce service for runing state and dead JobTrackers mr_tasktrackers - checks MapReduce service for dead TaskTrackers fs_su ... [Hadoop] (Advanced Na...

Checks IBM BigInsights Hadoop Services (Map/Reduce, HDFS/GPFS, BigSQL, HBase etc) via BigInsights Console REST API Checks either a given service or all services managed by BigInsights Console. - Checks service Running - Checks service last check la ... [Hadoop] (Advanced Na...

Checks IBM BigInsights File/Directory on Hadoop HDFS or GPFS via BigInsights Console REST API Checks: - File/directory existence - check whether the given path is a file or directory Directory Checks: The following additional checks ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Nagios Plugin to parse metrics from a given Hadoop daemon's /jmx page (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Nagios Plugin to parse metrics from a Hadoop DataNode's /jmx page (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Nagios Plugin to parse metrics from a given Hadoop NameNode's /jmx page (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Nagios Plugin to parse metrics from a given Hadoop Master's /jmx page (Advanced Nagios Plugin...

Nagios Plugin to parse metrics from a given HBase RegionServer's /jmx page (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Nagios Plugin to check Yum security updates on RHEL5/6/7 based servers (Adva...

checks Ambari Cluster's desired service configurations are compatible with the current cluster and current stack via Ambari REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugin...

checks an Ambari managed Cluster is on the right HDP version via Ambari REST API (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Check the total number of Ambari managed hosts in a Cluster via Ambari REST API (Advanced Nagios Plu...

Check that an Ambari managed Hadoop cluster has Kerberos security enabled via Ambari REST API (Advanced Nagios ... Popular

Checks the Ambari health report for a cluster via Ambari REST API (Advanced Nagios... Popular (Advanced N...

Checks for Ambari hosts alerts via Ambari REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Check a file's adler32 checksum against an expected value (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Check a file's checksum against an expected value (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection) (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Checks a file's md5 checksum against an expected value (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Check a file's sha1 checksum against an expected value