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harisekhon (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Checks HBase Backup Masters are listed in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagios Plugins Co...

Checks HBase Master is alive in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagios...

Checks HBase Root RegionServer is assigned in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagio...

Checks HBase for unassigned regions in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagios Plugin...

Checks SolrCloud server is alive in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Checks Riak diagnostics. Raises Critical or Warning if any such diagnostics are found, outputs the number of critical, warning and notice diagnostics. Designed to be run on each Riak node via NRPE (Advanced Nagi...

Checks number of blocks on a Hadoop HDFS Datanode via it's blockScannerReport (Advanced Nagios...

Check Hadoop HDFS NameNode HA ZKFC in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagi...

Check Hadoop MapReduce v1 JobTracker HA ZKFC in ZooKeeper (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Checks Cassandra's threadpool statistics, alerts on pending/blocking operations, gathers statistics on Active/Pending/Blocked/Dropped operations perfdata for graphing. (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle... Popular

Checks Cassandra clusters nodes, alerts on dead/down nodes, gathers statistics perfdata on different node states for graphing (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col... Popular

Checks Cassandra cluster balance of tokens across nodes (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Check Heap used on a Cassandra node (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Checks Kerberos is working by requesting a TGT from the KDC using a pre-exported keytab (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Check a Redis server's stats, all, multiple or specific stat with expected value and/or range threshold checks (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks the version of given Redis server using API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a Redis server's client list 1. Returns counts of all connected clients, and in verbose mode unique clients address list 2. Checks all connected client addresses match expected address regex (optional) 3. Checks the the number of connected cli ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...

Checks the remaining AQL SMS credits on an account for Nagios SMS Alerting (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Check a Redis slave and replication Checks: 1. server is in 'slave' role 2. link to master is up 3. replication last I/O is within warning/critical thresholds 4. checks if master sync is in progress (raises warning) (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collectio...

Checks a Redis server is up and properly functioning via API Checks: 1. writes a new unique key with dynamically generated value 2. reads same key back 3. checks returned value is identical to the value generated and written 4. deletes the key 5 ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Col...

Check a Redis slave and replication Checks: 1. server is in 'slave' role 2. link to master is up 3. replication last I/O is within warning/critical thresholds 4. checks if master sync is in progress (raises warning) (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Check Redis replication via API write to master and read from slave Checks: 1. writes a new unique key with dynamically generated value to master 2. reads same key back from slave 3. checks returned value is identical to the value generated and wr ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collecti...

Checks a Redis server's running config against a given configuration file. Useful for checking: 1. Configuration Compliance against a baseline 2. Puppet has correctly deployed revision controlled config version (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Check Redis server is up and working via publish/subscribe API calls Checks: 1. Subscribes to a unique channel 2. Publishes to that same unique channel with a randomly generated and timestamped token 3. Waits for the channel to feed the message th ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a specific Memcached key via API Checks: 1. reads a specified Memcached key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) raises warn ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Check a specific Redis key via API Checks: 1. reads a specified Redis key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) raises warning/criti ... (Advanced Nagios ...

Checks all Hadoop datanode block counts against warning/critical thresholds (Advanced Nagio...

Checks % block imbalance across all datanodes in a Hadoop cluster (Advanced Nagios Plugins ...

Checks the number of active Datameer jobs using the Datameer Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Checks Datameer license expiry using the Datameer Rest API, as well as license mode (eg 'Enterprise' vs 'Evaluation' or other) and also that the start date isn't in the future (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Checks Datameer version using the Datameer Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Check the status of a specific Datameer job using the Rest API (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Shows Datameer stats on number of Workbooks, Connections (Data Connectors), Import and Export Jobs, Dashboards and Infographics using the Datameer Rest API, outputs perfdata for Nagios graphing of these usage trends over time (Advanced Nagios Plugi...

Checks Datameer license volume used % using Datameer Rest API Datameer is licensed by Cumulative Data Ingested Volume so this is an important thing to monitor and graph through the year and set thresholds on (Advanced Nagios Plugins ...

Checks the status of a specific Datameer job using the Rest API and output details of job success and failure counts as well as counters for the last job run as perfdata for graphing. (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Checks the cumulative volume of data imported by a specific Datameer job using the Rest API Use this to keep track of the amount of data imported by each job cumulatively for all runs of that job since Datameer is licensed by cumulative volume of impor ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Checks a disk is writable and functioning properly by writing a tiny canary file with unique generated contents and then reading it back to make sure it was written properly. Useful to detect I/O errors and disks that have been re-mounted read-only as ... (Advanced Nagios ...

Checks % volume imported increase between the last 2 runs of specific Datameer import job using the Rest API Use this to keep track of the amount of data imported by the latest run of a specific import job as a % increase compared to the last run that ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Colle...

Checks a Couchbase server via Memcached API write => read Checks: 1. writes a unique ephemeral key with dynamically generated value 2. reads back same unique key 3. checks the returned value is identical to that written 4. deletes the unique gene ... (Advanced Nagios P...

Checks a Couchbase server via Memcached API write => read Checks: 1. writes a unique ephemeral key with dynamically generated value 2. reads back the same unique key from the given replication slave after a configurable delay in secs (to allow for ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks a specific Couchbase key via Memcached API Checks: 1. reads the specified Couchbase key 2. checks key's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks key's returned value against warning/critical range thresholds (optional) ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

Checks a specific Kerberos KDC is working by getting a TGT using a keytab Create a nagios kerberos principal and export a keytab for it to use in this check Requirements: - Kerberos KDC - Kerberos Realm - nagios kerberos principal - exported k ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection...

Checks a specific HBase table cell via the HBase Thrift API Server 1. reads a specified HBase cell given a table, row key and column family:qualifier 2. checks cell's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks cell's returned value ag ... (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Checks a specific HBase table cell via the HBase Stargate REST API Server 1. reads a specified HBase cell given a table, row key and column family:qualifier 2. checks cell's returned value against expected regex (optional) 3. checks cell's returned v ... (Advanced Nagios Pl...

Checks MapR Control System information such as Service & Node health, MapR-FS Space Used %, Node count, Alarms, Failed Disks, Cluster Version & License, MapReduce statistics etc via the MCS REST API (Advanced Nagios Plugins C...

Checks HDFS files/directories or writable via WebHDFS API or HttpFS server (Advanced Nagios Plugins Co...

Checks HDFS files/directories or writable via WebHDFS API or HttpFS server (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collect...

Checks MongoDB is working by writing a unique document and then reading it back (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collec...

Checks a given Mongod is the Master of a Replica Set [Hortonworks Hadoop] (Advanced Nagios P...

Checks Hadoop node and service states via Ambari REST API