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check_auth.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
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Validates user accounts are available (eg LDAP) with no duplicate UID/GIDs
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection, download it here:


./check_auth.pl --help

Nagios Plugin to check authentication mechanisms are working by validating:

- certain users/groups are present
- there are no duplicate UID/GIDs
- groups.allow contains the expected groups and no others

Useful for checking that AD integrated Linux servers are still able to authenticate AD users

usage: check_auth.pl [ options ]

-u --users Users to check are present (prefixing with - ensures they are not present)
-g --groups Groups to check are present (prefixing with - ensures they are not present)
--groups-allowed Groups to expect in the groups.allow file. Alerts critical if the groups present do not match this comma separated list precisely
--groups-file Group file to check. Expects a file in the format of pam_listfile
-h --help Print description and usage options
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode
-V --version Print version and exit