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Nagios plugin for checking the status of a Dell RAID array using 'afacli'

Plugin for checking the status of a Dell RAID array using 'omreport'

Nagios plugin for checking the status of Dell chassis sensors using 'omreport'
check_dell_aacraid for NRPE_NT

Check status of Dell RAID array using Dell PERC 2 utility "afacli.exe"
check_dell_amcli for NRPE_NT

Check status of Dell RAID array using the Array Manager utility "amcli.exe"
check_dell_omreport for NRPE_NT

Check status of Dell RAID array using Dell OpenManage Server Administrator utility 'omreport'
check_dell_sensors for NRPE_NT

Check status of Dell Temperature/Fan sensors using Dell OpenManage Server Administrator utility "omreport"

Get interesting but hard-to-get-at information about the server hardware, eg. free memory slots, front-side-bus speed et al
check_memcached IV

check that a memcached instance (see is accessible, writable, and getting a useful hit-rate.

check the tomcat /manager/status page for excessive memory usage or an excessive number of threads in use.

Check an XML web page for specific content using the XML XPATH syntax. - usage and IO Wait

Monitor total CPU usage and CPU IO Wait for any single CPU core, and overall (average of all CPU cores). PNP4Nagios compatible. (for puppet and chef environments)

Report and alert on puppet-managed nodes which are failing or out-of-date.
This plugin is for a puppet-controlled environment, which has 'The Foreman' installed.

Check that the puppetmaster is accessible to the current client.

Check application performance as measured by NewRelic Alert on Apdex or Error-rate - Disk-to-Disk

This is a Nagios plugin to check that * All configured backups have a recent backup item * Backup sizes exceed a minumum size * A least N backup items are configured * If you are using Amanda backup, and * If your backups go to disk (Disk-to-D ...

This is a Nagios plugin, for checking the normal operation of a Postfix greylisting policy-daemon. This plugin is implemented as a python script. Works with python 2.7 or python 3.x

This is a Nagios plugin, for reporting and checking the normal operation of the ILO port of a HP Server HP (brand) Servers are typically equipped with a management processor, branded 'ILO' (Integrated Lights Out). This provides remote access and allows ...

This is a Nagios plugin for checking the normal operation of a Samba-based Active Directory server (Domain Controller). As of Samba 4.x, Samba is capable of running as an Active Directory server (ie. Domain Controller). This plugin runs the command ...