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Alert on Apdex or Error-rate
This Nagios Plugin is made for users of NewRelic APM
NewRelic APM (Applications Performance Monitoring) is used to measure web-application performance.
The plugin queries the NewRelic API, and reports on:
applications performance metrics
any Apdex or Error-rate alerts, as defined in NewRelic
It requires that the application has thresholds defined for Apdex and Error rate in NewRelic.
If no thresholds are defined, the plugin will always report OK.
The statistics from NewRelic are presented as Nagios performance data, suitable for graphing with PNP4Nagios.
Perl packages required by this plugin:
LWP: libwww-perl (deb) or perl-libwww-perl (rpm)
XML::XPath libxml-xpath-perl (deb) or perl-XML-XPath (rpm)
NewRelic APM (Applications Performance Monitoring) is used to measure web-application performance.
The plugin queries the NewRelic API, and reports on:
applications performance metrics
any Apdex or Error-rate alerts, as defined in NewRelic
It requires that the application has thresholds defined for Apdex and Error rate in NewRelic.
If no thresholds are defined, the plugin will always report OK.
The statistics from NewRelic are presented as Nagios performance data, suitable for graphing with PNP4Nagios.
Perl packages required by this plugin:
LWP: libwww-perl (deb) or perl-libwww-perl (rpm)
XML::XPath libxml-xpath-perl (deb) or perl-XML-XPath (rpm)
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