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Nagios StatView

Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
readme.txtRead me file
statview.cgiThe cgi file
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Nagios StatView is a dashboard for Nagios.

It is designed for TV monitors of 32-40? and to give a quick health status of the network.
Nagios StatView is a dashboard for Nagios.

It is designed for TV monitors of 32-40" and to give a quick health status of the network.

You can fine tune the width of the display in pixels to match your screen resolution.

To make the screen more readable StatView have two aggregation levels, one based on groups and one based on servers.

If more than x services and hosts for this service group / server group is having problems StatView display?s one line for all errors to make it more readable,

And to make it more interesting I have added a daily comic strip at the bottom.


Copy the file statview.cgi to your Nagios sbin folder, typical ?/usr/local/nagios/sbin? and make the file executable (chmod 755 nstatview.cgi)

Open statview.cgi and edit the configurable variables to suite your environment.

indata = Name and path to Nagios status file
hostgroups = Name and path to hostgroup file
groupcount = How many error and warning is needed before generating a group error
hostcount = How many error and warning is needed before generating a host error
pagewidth = Page width
dilbert = Path to Dilbert dir ("" gives no picture)

Test the page with ../nagios/cgi-bin/statview.cgi

To get the Dilbert images I used Dilbert Tools (fetch-dilbert) you can get it at: