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Web service monitoring w/ Nagios and JSON

I've written a blog posting that shows how to use JSON formatted data to monitor details of a remote service. The example shows how to monitor the hostname of the system on which an apache web server is running. It's fairly trivial to extend this example ...
Unitrends API Backup failure checker

Uses the Unitrends API to receive and parse a JSON string concerning backup failures. Simply pass the name of the Protected asset as the first parameter and the IP address of the Unitrends server as the second e.g. ./utrendbak testserv "" ...

UCME-IT™ is a notification server software that enables developers to easily send SMS, Push, Mail & Voice messages using simple JSON or XML APIs. UCME-IT™ runs on the customer’s server. UCME-IT™ runs on MS Windows™ operating system. UCME-IT™ ...
Twilio Status

This basic ruby script will check the status of the various services on I have not tested it with other stashboard installations but would be interested in finding out if it is compatible. It was developed using ruby 1.9.1 and ...
Thecus NAS Health, N16000 (php version)

See - A nagios plugin to monitor newer THECUS NAS applicance - now adapted for N16000 (v2.01) (PHP based frontend version) - sceleton from ( ...

status-json duplicates the output of status.cgi in JSON format to make it easier for other applications/services to use Nagios data. To compile: 1. Copy status-json.c into $NAGIOS_DIR/cgi/ 2. cd $NAGIOS_DIR/cgi/ 3. Execute the command below to compi ...
Status JSON Generator

Script to parse Nagios status.dat and present it as JSON, to allow inclusion of status info in a web page served from a separate machine.
NagiosTV for Nagios 3 with ndoutils

If you are running Nagios v4.x.x then check out the project NagiosTV 4
This project is for Nagios 3.x and requires ndoutils writin ...

Nagios Status.dat to JSON/JSONP/Console.

Nagios2JSON is a Nagios enhancement that allows you to send status of hosts and services, etc. using JSON format.

Send alerts via MS-Teams Incoming Webhook and customize with MS-Adaptive Cards formatting. (json)

RESTful nodejs service for reading nagios status and output in json format. (Docker image available) See full description at,
Nagios Log Server Export

This application allows users to export their Nagios Log Server data or query results to raw JSON and CSV formats.
Mail2Nagios, a Nagios status generator from mails

This Perl tool can transform unformatted mails to NSCA messages or GED messages (EyesOf Network Generic Event Dispatcher). It happens sometimes that the only way to monitor a system is to configure mail notification on it. The idea is to transport this ...
Loop Test Event Chain

This is a sample event chain for Nagios Reactor that demonstrates how to create loops. Import the JSON file into Nagios Reactor to create a new event chain that contains the loop.
JSON Wizard

A wizard to create checks that monitor values returned in a web service's JSON response.
http-json - Rule based JSON parser via http(s)

This is a generic plugin for Nagios which checks json values from a given HTTP endpoint against argument specified rules and determines the status and performance data for that service.
Google Apps Status Check

A simple check that looks through the JSON returned from the Google status page ( and finds unresolved disruptions and outages for a specified service. The syntax for the check is: -a "AP ...
Create a new event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to create a new event chain as defined by a JSON file.
Cloudviewer (for VMWare vCenter)

Check_MK like Plugin for VMware vCenter.
Splitted in two parts:
Reads all Clusters,Hosts,VMs and Datastores from the given VC and creates Nagios Objects for it. This has to be run as a cronjob.
Reads you ...