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IBM Connections plugins

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  • Nagios 4.x
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Nagios Plugins for IBM Connections

These Nagios Plugins can be used to monitor an IBM Connections environment.
This plugin will login to IBM Connections and do a search. Then it will compare the serach index date/time with the actual date/time.
Example check command: -H $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -u $ARG4$ -p $USER4$
-H: IBM Connections Hostname
-w: warning if search index is older than w hours
-c: critical if search index is older than c hours
-u: username which can login and search the index
-p: password of this user

Sample results:
Status OK - Search Index date 2015-11-10 12:41:02
Status Warning - Search Index older than 4 hours - Search Index date 2015-11-10 12:41:02
Status Critical - Search Index older than 8 hours - Search Index date 2015-11-10 12:41:02
This plugin will directly connect to the DB2 database of IBM Connections and will get all Communities without an owner
Example check command: -H $ARG1$ -u $ARG2$ -p $USER13$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$
-H: DB2 Hostname or IP address
-u: DB2 username which can search the databases
-p: password of this DB2 user
-w: warning if there are more than w communities without an owner
-c: critical if there are more than c communities without an owner

Sample results:
Communites are OK, 1 Communities without an owner:
WGC Fotos ID: 0af79ebe-a381-451c-a305-7373w788e7ec
Warning - 1 Communities without an owner:
WGC Fotos ID: 0af79ebe-a381-451c-a305-7373w788e7ec
Critical - 1 Communities without an owner:
WGC Fotos ID: 0af79ebe-a381-451c-a305-7373w788e7ec
This plugin will directly connect to the DB2 database of IBM Connections and will get all Communities without any activity since x days
Example check command: -H $ARG1$ -u $ARG2$ -p $USER13$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$
-H: DB2 Hostname or IP address
-u: DB2 username which can search the databases
-p: password of this DB2 user
-w: warning if there are more than w communities without an owner
-c: critical if there are more than c communities without an owner

Sample results:
Communites are OK
Warning: There are communites which were not updates since 1460 days
WGC Fotos
Eclipse RCP Entwicklungen
Critical: There are communites which were not updates since 1460 days
WGC Fotos
Eclipse RCP Entwicklungen