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jmeter invocation plugin II

4 votes
jmeter.plA Perl script to glue JMeter to Nagios.
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This script is a rebuild of another jmeter plugin that invokes an Apache JMeter (available from http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter) test plan and parses the results, which are returned to Nagios per plugin API defined exit statuses and performance data.
Call parameters:
-j jmeter_path
-p test_plant_path/test_plan
-t timeout
-w warning
-c critical

Example check command;
define command{
command_name jmeter
; Check website response-time based on scripted click-thru actions
command_line /usr/local/nagios/libexec/jmeter/jmeter.pl -j $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$ -t $ARG5$

Example service;

define service{
use generic-service
host_name myhost.umn.edu
check_command jmeter!/home/../jakarta-meter-2.3.2/!/.../myhost.jmx!5!10!30
service_description jmeter
Reviews (2)
bygmy, January 29, 2015
bykrutaw, October 10, 2014
This plugin is missing perfdata in the output although the notes on the plugin clearly state that perfdata is included. Easy fix, but if you mention perfdata, please include it.