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Shell script evaluates to

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to compare the results of the output, returned from running a specified shell script to a target value.
Time of day equals

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to test if the event chain is running between the time start and time end specified. Install/update condition through Administration -> Conditions
Query a Windows machine (using Net RPC)

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to match a specified value against the returned list from a net RPC command, ran on a remote Windows machine.
Nagios Incident Manager – Upgrade Instructions

This document describes how to manually upgrade an existing Nagios® Incident Manager™ installation with the latest updates and patches. It is beneficial to keep your software up to date with new releases of Nagios Incident Manager so you have access to ...
Nagios XI – How To Monitor An AKCP SensorProbe2 Using...

This document describes how to monitor an AKCP sensorProbe2 device with Nagios® XI™ in order to be alerted when temperature, humidity, or other environmental variables exceed specific thresholds. This document outlines how to monitor the Dual Temper ...
Nagios XI / JIRA Integration Component

This is a Nagios XI / JIRA integration component.
How to Integrate the Bischeck Plugin Extension with Nag...

This document describes how to install and configure the Bischeck plugin extension for use with Nagios® XI™ in order to dynamically monitor Linux machines with time-based thresholds. The Bischeck extension is an application that sends passive checks to ...
Nagios Network Analyzer – Upgrade Instructions

This document describes how to upgrade an existing Nagios Network Analyzer installation with the latest updates and patches. This document is intended for use by Nagios Network Analyzer Administrators, Nagios Authorized Resellers, and implementation pa ...
Integrating Network Analyzer With Nagios Core And Nagio...

This document describes how to integrate Nagios Network Analyzer with your Nagios XI and Nagios Core installs. It is intended for use by system admins who want to leverage granular netflow data in the network monitoring and or security scheme.
Understanding The Network Analyzer Backend

This document gives an overview of how the backend of Nagios Network Analyzer functions, and general tips on functionality. It is intended for use by network administrators and technicians who want to better understand how Nagios Network Analyzer works.
Understanding And Using Custom Queries In Nagios Networ...

This document describes how to use the full flexibility of Nagios Network Analyzer to get the most out of your network flow data. Network admins doing forensic analysis on a network's flow data to drill directly to the information they need.
Configuring Switches And Routers To Send Netflow Data T...

This document describes how to setup Netflow data collection on enterprise grade switches and routers, and relay that information to Nagios Network Analyzer. It is intended for use by network administrators who are doing the initial setup of their Nagios ...
Configuring A Linux Server To Send Netflow Data To Nagi...

This document describes how to configure Linux machines to send data to Nagios Network Analyzer. It is intended for use by network administrators who want to setup Netflow data collection on a Linux machine and relay that information to Nagios Network Ana ...
Understanding Sources And Source Groups In Network Anal...

This document describes what and how sources and source groups work. It is intended for use by network administrators who want to setup and/or use Nagios Network Analyzer.
Understanding And Using Views In Network Analyzer

This document describes how to understand, configure, and use Views in Nagios Network Analyzer. It is intended for use by network administrators who want to integrate different views into their Network Analysis.
Understanding And Using Network Analyzer Reports

This document describes how to understand, configure, and use reports in Nagios Network Analyzer. It is intended for use by network administrators who want to integrate reporting into their Network Analysis.
Understanding Network Flows

This document describes what network flows are, and also compares and contrasts the multitude of different types of flows. It is targeted at network designers who need more information on available technologies for monitoring their environment.
Nagios Network Analyzer – Manual Installation Instruc...

This document is intended to outline the steps required to manually install Nagios Network Analyzer, along with its prerequisites from source. This document is intended for use by Administrators who wish to install Nagios Network Analyzer on physical s ...
Installing And Configuring Windows Netflow Exporters Fo...

This document describes how to choose, install, and configure netflow exporters for Windows operating systems. It is intended for use by admins looking to collect netflow information from Windows workstations and servers.
Nagios Network Analyzer Administrator Guide

The administrator guide for Nagios Network Analyzer.
Nagios XI – How to Upgrade Using the Web UI

This document describes how to upgrade your Nagios® XI™ installation quickly and easily from the web interface. This allow users to upgrade to latest version of Nagios XI which provides users with critical patches, bug fixes, and resolved security vuln ...
Nagios Network Analyzer – How To Configure SSL

This document will describe how to setup Nagios Network Analyzer to use SSL to provide encrypted connections to a Nagios Network Analyzer Server. This document is also to be used as an initial point for troubleshooting SSL connections. This document is ...
Nagios XI - How To Monitor Devices Using The NCPA Agent...

This document describes how to use Nagios® XI™ to actively monitor machines via the NCPA agent (Nagios Cross Platform Agent). NCPA is an advanced, cross-platform agent that can be installed on both Windows and Linux machines. This document is intend ...
Nagios XI – How To Monitor JMX With Nagios XI

This document will cover how to monitor java application servers as well as how to configure check_jmx within Nagios® XI™ in order for users to be notified when java applications are not functioning properly. This document is intended for use by Nag ...
Create a new event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to create a new event chain as defined by a JSON file.
Create a new Nagios IM incident

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to create a new incident with the Nagios Incident Manager.
Delete metadata value

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to remove a metadata entry by key name.
Disable an event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to disable an active event chain.
Reactor script exit code is

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to check the return code of an installed Reactor script.
Nagios XI – Monitoring a MongoDB Server

This document describes how to monitor a MongoDB server with Nagios® XI™ using the MongoDB Server Configuration Wizard in order to monitor the health of your server. The wizard supplies checks to monitor the following: number of queries per second, mem ...
Nagios XI – Monitoring a MongoDB Database

This document describes how to monitor MongoDB databases with Nagios XI in order to monitor the number of collections and/or objects in the database, as well as size of the database. The information you collect by monitoring your MongoDB database will hel ...
Nagios XI 2014-R1.0RC3 brief installation testing May 2...

This article provides some feedback on the Nagios XI 2014R1.0RC3 from Circling Cycle IT Systems and Arts Consulting.
Nagios XI 2014-R1 brief installation testing May 2014

This article provides some feedback on the Nagios XI 2014R1 from Circling Cycle IT Systems and Arts Consulting.
Nagios XI – How to Generate SLA Reports

This document is intended to give an overview of how to generate and interpret the SLA (Service-Level Agreement) reporting functionality within Nagios® XI™. This report is very useful if you have SLA's to maintain within you organization, especially if ...
Integrating Nagios Incident Manager with Nagios XI

This document describes how to integrate Nagios XI events with Nagios Incident Manager. It is intended for use by Administrators who wish to automatically create and manage Nagios XI incidents in Nagios Incident Manager. This document assumes the reader h ...
Contributing To Nagios Translations

This document describes how to begin contributing translations to the following Nagios products.
How To Monitor Website Defacement With Nagios XI

This document describes how use the Website Defacement Wizard to monitor your websites for defacement, modification and malicious insertions with Nagios® XI™. The Website Defacement Wizard provides an automated method for monitoring your website for de ...
Nagios XI – Log Locations and Descriptions

This document describes the Nagios Core, Nagios XI, and system logs on a Nagios XI server, including the locations and a brief descriptions of their potential contents and diagnostic uses. This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators w ...
Nagios XI – How to Monitor Apache Cassandra Distribut...

This document describes how to configure Nagios® XI™ to monitor Apache Cassandra distributed database implementations in order to ensure that data, as well as the hardware housing it, is operating properly. This document is intended for use by Nagio ...
How To Check For Windows Updates With Nagios XI

This document describes how to use Nagios XI to monitor for high priority updates from Microsoft on a remote Windows host. This includes critical and security updates, service packs, and update rollups. Monitoring for updates from Microsoft with Nagios XI ...
Nagios XI – Understanding User Macros

This document describes how to implement and use user macros in a working environment. This is useful for users who want to obfuscate sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, etc. User macros are helpful in specifying paths to plugins and event ...
Nagios XI - Introduction to Event Handlers

This document describes how to use event handlers in Nagios XI to take predefined actions when the hosts or services you are monitoring change state. Event handlers are used to automate processes taken when there is a state change for a specific host or s ...
How To Monitor Apache ActiveMQ With Nagios XI

This document describes how to use custom Apache ActiveMQ plugins and checks to monitor your Apache ActiveMQ server with Nagios XI. Specifically, this document shows you how to set up Nagios XI to get up to date information on how many objects are in the ...
Nagios Reactor - Block Types and Their Uses

This document describes the different types of blocks in Nagios Reactor event chains, how they differ, and how they can be used. This document is intended for use by Nagios Reactor end users who are in charge of creating or modifying event chains.
Nagios Reactor - Creating Event Chains

Event chains are the main function of Nagios Reactor and control the decision making process. Without event chains, Nagios Reactor would have no idea how to operate or what to do. In this document, we'll discuss how to create event chains in order to cont ...
Nagios Reactor - Creating Loops In Event Chains

This document describes how to create loops – similar to the for() and while() constructs in most scripting and programming languages - in Nagios Reactor event chains. These constructs are useful for creating loops that accomplish a task in the same or ...
Nagios Reactor - Disk Space Action

One of the most common technical issues that can arise is a failure due to lack of free space. Running out of free space plagues end users and system administrators alike. In this document, we'll describe how to handle this situation gracefully to keep yo ...
Nagios Reactor - Executing Event Chains Automatically U...

This document describes how to configure Nagios Reactor to automatically execute event chains at specific times using schedules and allow Nagios Reactor administrators to configure Crons that all users have access to. This document is intended for use ...
Nagios Log Server - Sending syslog With SSL/TLS

This document describes how to setup encryption between Nagios Log Server and syslog on Linux using self signed certificates. This document is intended for use by Nagios Log Server Administrators who would like encryption between NLS and their Linux cl ...
Enable an event chain

This action can be added into Nagios Reactor to enable an event chain.