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Nagios Exchange

NagiosĀ® Exchange is the central place where you'll find all types of Nagios projects - plugins, addons, documentation, extensions, and more. This site is designed for the Nagios Community to share its Nagios creations.

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  • minimalistic

    Another but minimalistic disk check/status plugin. This script will show only local file-systems, local partitions are sorted from the most in use (as occupancy).


    Simple but effective script shell to monitor mysql-router service status.


    Simple but effective script shell (dash) to check InnoDB Cluster's node status (requires netcat package).

  • Check Netbackup Media Volume Pool Size

    Simple shell script to check how many tapes are in media volume pool. You may set thresholds to have warning and critical notifications.

  • check_hostgroup

    This Nagios plugin provides precise monitoring by checking the percentage of hosts in a DOWN state within a hostgroup.

  • check_hp

    Check CPUs, fans, array controllers, logical / physical drives, temperature and power supplies on your Proliant servers or blade systems through SNMP. As of version 2.20 you can use this plugin to retrieve performance data for Smart Array CPUs.

  • NetMap4Nagios

    Create your own network diagram of live monitoring hosts and services. NetMap4Nagios is a visualization addon for Nagios and front-end for system Nagios. It is easy to use. You can import hostgroups and servicegroups from Nagios, create customer map of network, monitor alarms. Aftrer installation, from menu->file->import hostgrou simply import hostgroup from Nagios sytem. You can create tree node and net map automatically. All questions please send: Map/Diagram editor is very friendly (like Visio). You can use copy/cut/past/undo/zoom functions (ctrl+c,ctrl+v,ctrl+x,ctrl+z).

  • check_haproxy_stats

    Connects to haproxy via http/https/UNIX socket and retrieves haproxy stats.

  • check_snmp_uptime

    This plugin can check the uptime of a host using SNMP v1 queries.

  • Check the status of Uninterruptible Power Supply

    This plugin can check the status of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) using SNMP v1 queries.