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Check hardware health of HP Proliant Servers by querying the iLO2/3/4/5 Management Controller.
Downtime Scheduler

This addon consists of a Perl script and two configuration files to implement recurring schedule downtime of hosts and services in Nagios.

Nagstamon is a Nagios status monitor for the Windows desktop. It resides in systray or as a floating statusbar at the desktop showing a brief summary of critical, warning, unknown, unreachable and down hosts and services and pops up a detailed status over ...
Delete Comments more than n days old

A simple perl script to delete host and service comments older than a given number of days.
check_domain (new one)

2012-01-06 bug fix. now you can add to check > 200 domains and plugin won't hang as it generates diferrent domain.txt files with domain tag. 2011-12-16 added .dk domain checks this plugin is made to check domain name expiration time. i recreated th ...

check_hp_bladechassis is a plugin for Nagios which checks the hardware health of HP blade enclosures via SNMP. The plugin is only tested with the c7000 enclosure.
check RX300 S6 check irmc Temp

Based on JoseMi's check script from 2011-05-27 its not cleaner or better. the main difference : its for RX300 S6 irmc
Nagios Dash

We forked Nagios Dashboard – PHP and gave it a new look, rewrote the code with ajax for our needs.
It parses the status.dat and gives you a dashboard for ex. viewing on a operations screen.

A simple shell script for nagios to check currently logged in userser on a target system