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exfoliation Featured Popular

Exfoliation is a simple makeover for the Nagios Core web interface. It consists of two folders that overlay on a stock Nagios installation.
MNTOS Featured

MNTOS (Multi Nagios Tactical Overview System) gathers data from multiple Tactical overview pages on Nagios sites and compile it into a single XML file. The XML file can be used by any frontend supporting XML. Perfect tool when dealing with many nagios sit ...
Arana Theme 1.0 for Nagios 3.x Featured Popular

This is my own theme for Nagios 3.x based on the theme Vautour Style. This was made to change the actual basic design of nagios to a new design view using CSS stylesheets and Icons.
Thanks for the download.
Eduardo L. Arana
Vautour Style Featured Popular

Vautour Style is a skin for Nagios Core. Original stylesheets and original icons have been modified to provide a different presentation for the Nagios web interface.

Nagiosmap is a Perl/Tk app desined to work with Nagios that allows you to graphically create 2-D coordinates for the statusmap CGI by dragging hosts around.
Vmware icons for Nagios v3.x

This is an icon pack of VMware icons for Nagios v3.x Status Maps etc
Hypermap Component

The newly designed hypermap component for Nagios XI makes it easier than ever to get a quick overview of the status of your network. The hypermap support dynamic updates via ajax, scrolling and zooming.
Icon Set Generator

This script automates the process of generation the nessessary image formats for Nagios: The script takes a GIF file as an argument (or *.gif) and generates image files in JPEG, PNG and GD2 formats.
Nuvola Style

Nuvola Style is a complete Nagios theme/style (including menu, icons, stylesheets, and images) for Nagios 2.x and Nagios 3.x

nagiosXML creates structured network diagrams using Nagios configuration files.

NagVis is a visualization addon for Nagios. It can be used to visualize Nagios data, e.g. to display IT processes like a mail system or a network infrastructure.
Network Replay Component

This component adds a network replay report to Nagios XI. The replay reports allows you to quickly visualize the changing state of your network over time. The report allows you to specify custom start and end times and supports dynamic updates via ajax, ...
Integrating MNTOS With Nagios

This document describes how to install the MNTOS (“Multi-Nagios Tactical Overview System”) monitoring aggregation tool with Nagios XI or Nagios Core.
Check used Swap on Linux

A simple shell script that checks the usage of swap in a Linux System. Intention was, that a system should never swap anything, it was not enough to watch free swap. Output includes performance data for pnp4nagios.
statusmap resizing with exclude/include buttton

Really exclude/include hostgroups from statusmap when using corresponding button, thus making it smaller and clearer.
Arana Theme HD 1.1

This is my own theme for Nagios 3.x based on the theme Arana. I modified font sizes, symbols, colors and layers. The theme is optimized for 1920x1200.