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Nagios plugins for monitoring Linux systems.
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Checks all local disks. Provides performance data. Tested on AIX, RHEL, CentOS.

Check IO and IOPS for a device on a linux system. This check uses the /sys/block/device/stat file to calculate disk stats during a given period of time. Provides perfdata so it can be graphed.

This Plugin allows to check disk utilization on hard disks. It uses iostat -x. Examples: check_disk_util -w 80 -c 90 -d sda Checks /dev/sda* at 80% and 90% of disk utilization OK: sda disk utilization 2.52% OK: sda1 disk utilization 0.00% O ...

a very SIMPLE script to check update from DNF the replacement of yum in fedora 22. inspired by check_yum, but do not have any options since we usually want the same behavior everytime.. OK => NO UPDATES WARNING => NON SECURITY UPDATES (Detailled) CRIT ...

This plugin checks the status of DRBD resources for DRBD 8.4 and DRBD 9.0. The plugin can be configured to provide just the short text output or with long text output which provides details of affected resources.
check_entropy (ux)

This plugin reads /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail and returns the available entropy (perfdata included). It warns on dropping below the specified thresholds.

This is a simple plugin that will issue an alert based on the number of days before a password expiration.

This short shell script check to see if fetchmail is running in daemon mode on the local system.

check_file is a nagios plugin for checking a timestamp on a file. It uses the mtime value and localtime on the server and compares the difference of those against a given critical and warning value.

Check if size of the specified files is smaller then given parameters. Return OK if its smaller and Warning or Error if Bytesize is greater as given parameters. The script is written for Linux/Unix. Its tested on RH/CentOS, SuSE, Debian, but should wo ...
Check_filesize linux edition

This Perl script is used to keep an eye on the size of a file. Usage : [size criticizes] [size warning] Example: 2048 1024 Sending critical if the size exceeds 2048 Ko/Kby Sending Warning if the size exceeds 10 (Advanced Nagios Plugins Coll...

Counts the number of total allocated file descriptors on a system. Designed to be called over NRPE

Checks integrity of a given file.

This Python 2.6 check verifies if a generic not empty file owns the expected uid, gid and mode.
Simply adapt it to your needs.

Compare checksums of all files in arbitrary directories with expected checksum from cache file.

Check if the maximum value of ARP entries on any interfaces is not reached Tested on Debian Usage : [-w | --warning warning_value] [-c | --critical critical_value] [-h | --help] [-v | --versio ...

Checks for security updates on Gentoo systems. Also checks that the portage tree is current and optionally if there are any general package upgrades.

Nagios plugin (shell script) to GPFS health monitor - Check GPFS deamon is active - Check GPFS device is healthy - Check GPFS Disk are available and up - Check GPFS inodes used in percent (you can define warning and critical threshold) - Check GPFS M ...

check_gputemp is a Bash script which checks the GPU temperature of ATI based graphics card. It uses the aticonfig tool from ATI's proprietary driver fglrx.

Check the number of HBA remote port on the host. It also check the port status --------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage of --------------------------------------------------------------------- v ...

Script to check usage of hugepages. Very usefull if you use hugepages f.e. together with Oracle databases

Get interesting but hard-to-get-at information about the server hardware, eg. free memory slots, front-side-bus speed et al

Plugin for checking count of inodes on a partition. The total amount of free/used inodes will be checked, where multiple partitions may be checked in the same run. Supports pnp4nagios for creation of performance graphs. Usage: check_inodes -w [warn ...
check_iostat - I/O statistics

This plugin shows the I/O usage of the specified disk, using the iostat external program. It prints three statistics: Transactions per second (tps), Kilobytes per second read from the disk (KB_read/s) and and written to the disk (KB_written/s)
check_iostat - I/O statistics - updated 2016

This is an updated version of: - await added - bugs fixed including now reports current values instead of - average since boot. - pnp4nagio ...

Quick healthcheck of disk/power/etc based on the OpenIPMI command "ipmitool chassis status"

Plugin based on "ipmitool sdr list all" - checks if all components are "ok".

Plugin that checks each line of the "ipmitool sensor" for temperatures and voltages outside the tolerance levels.

Check the temperature of an AMD K8 (e.g Athlon, Sempron) CPU from a Linux machine running lm_sensors.

Checks if the running kernel is also the newest installed kernel. If not, a reboot may be needed. This plugin is tested on Centos 6, but should work on any modern RHEL compatible system.

This script checks the specified files, extracts the latest file and warns if it's too old. It's good for checking that a backup has been made every day to a certain directory.

Monitor status of a Legato Networker client.

check_linux_bonding is a plugin for Nagios that checks bonded network interfaces on Linux. The plugin is fairly simple and will report any interfaces that are down (both masters and slaves). It will also alert you of bonding interfaces with only one slave ...

Plugin to check local file system health by using fsck utility in Linux. Need to modify /etc/sudoers file to make sure user nrpe can execute fsck remotely.