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Nagios CSP

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A plugin to verify speed and duplex settings via Nagios
Outputs Critical Error if duplex is wrong, and Warning if speed is wrong.
Currently only supported on Linux.
Reviews (1)
bysebastiaopburnay, January 6, 2011
Hi, I'm using this plugin to monitor HP ProCurve Switches' interface speed on the most important interfaces. The command I use on the terminal is:
[root@nagiux plugins]# ./check_ifspeed -H -C public -o .
. -w 500000 -c 1000000

This plugin works properly, but only under certain conditions.

On the command line when I first run it on an interface I get:
UNKNOWN - New file created (/tmp/snmp--.

Only on a seccond call to check_ifspeed under the same args I get a good output:
SNMP OK - IfSpeed: 5.93 kbps | IfSpeed=6067.54bps;500000;1000000;0;

Secondly, for some reason (which I haven't yet figured if it relates to the first bug)::
1) some service checks bring a good result on the web intergace:
- SNMP OK - IfSpeed: 2.18 kbps
2)and some others bring a bad one:
- **ePN /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ifspeed: "print() on closed filehandle DAT at (eval 1) line 136,".

If someone knows how to fix this bug, please respond.

Thank you for reading this review and furthermore for contributing.