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Category: Environmental
Nagios plugins to monitor various environmental (light, temperature, motion sensing, etc.) hardware devices.
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Checks the state and the uptime of Quantum library PX506 (and maybe PX502 & PX510) via SNMP.

nagios plugin for CONTEG RAMOS temperature/humidity monitors. Parses the xml values. Tested with RAMOS Mini C temperature & humidity sensors.

This program is a Nagios check the monitors servertech PDU / CDU devices using the Sentry3.mib MIB. It checks the following: 1) Environmental temperature (Auto-detects all sensors) 2) Environmental humidity (Auto-detects all sensors) 3) Input power ( ...

This plugin checks the sensors of SensaTronics SenTurion by analyzing the xml output.

Sensatronic Senturion is a Ethernet Device to monitor temperature, humidity, airflow and light level

A simple snmp script shell for rittal cmc for temperature, humidity and smoke sensors.

check_snmp_cmc3_reloaded Nagios Plugin to check the Ports of an Rittal CMC3 Unit You just need to define a Port. The Plugin does a auto detection on this port. The warning and critical values are the user defined vaules on the cmc unit. You can also ...

General temperature check plugin - supports dell, hp, cisco, juniper, alteon. Other types can be specified easily if you know temperature SNMP OIDs. Data can also be returned as performance values for graphing or other processing.

Collect status and performance data from a TED5000 power monitoring gateway.

This Nagios plugin allows extraction of temperatures from the inexpensive TEMPer USB thermometer on a Linux machine.

check_temper is a monitoring plugin for Nagios, which is used to monitor temperature and humidity with TEMPer humi thermometers.

Checks temperature using the Embedded Data Systems HA7Net 1Wire bridge
check_temp_watchdog15 & check_humidity_watchdog15

These scripts were taken and edited from the check_temp_weathergoose script because I had a watchdog 15. check_temp_watchdog15 The 15 already has Fahrenheit options, so I edited the script to only divide by 10 (it outputs degrees as 623, instead of ...

This is a simple check that checks the temperature (and converts it to Fahrenheit) for Weathergoose environmental monitors. I would guess this would work fine with other IT Watchdogs environmental monitors, i.e. Supergoose, Microgoose, Minigoose.

Collect status and performance data from a wfrog weather monitoring system.

Collect status and performance data from a wview weather monitoring system.
Cisco - Check Juniper SA - SNMP v1, v2c, v3

Check Juniper SA - Version 1.2 (29/12/2009) > Disk > Memory > Users connected

Written in C, ds18b20 can locate all ds18b20 probes connected to the system (Raspberry PI) via the GPIO pins and either run as a daemon and log temperatures to logfiles or run as a nagios check via nrpe.
Environmental monitoring with BME680

Environmental monitoring with Raspberry Pi and BME680 and Nagios / NRPE Python3 script run by NRPE. Assumes the BME680 device is already attached to the Raspberry Pi. Software setup Install the required library: sudo pip3 install adafruit- ...

The ESensors EM01 HVAC Monitor is a digital environmental monitor capable of monitoring temperature, relative humidity and illumination.
Homeseer 3 device values

This is a plugin that monitors Homeseer 3 device values

hswd-nagios is a Home Smart Water Detector (HSWD) plugin
Liebert Deluxe System3 Air

Perl script written to check Temperature and Humidity attributes on Lieberts Deluxe System 3 equipped with web/snmp system boards.
Liebert NPower UPS check

Perl script designed to check battery state on Liebert Npower UPS.
Liebert Npower UPS check updated

Perl script designed to check battery state on Liebert Npower UPS.

Plugin to check Temperature and/or Humidity through Magiant USB Sensors. Added perfdata and pnp4nagios templates.
MessPC / pcmeasure

pcmessure/messpc is a modular, low cost system for measuring environment variables as temperature, humidity, voltage, smoke, motion, water and more.
Network Equipment Environmental Statistics

Python script that uses a few statically defined SNMP OIDs to monitor temperature, fans, power, and voltage statistics on network equipment. This currently supports only Cisco and Foundy gear (future revisions to include HP and Juniper) and is easily exte ...
PAPOUCH Thermometer plugin

Nagios plugin for checking environmental temperature with PAPOUCH ethernet thermometer.
PCMeassure / Plugin

This is a plugin to check sensors connected to ethernet boxes. A Perl version of the plugin exists but is no longer maintained.

Nagios plugin to check the current value from one pcmeasure sensor and return the appropriate status.
Poll an Avocent ACS via SNMP for information about conn...

Modified version of check_snmp_acs_pm, added support for both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Raspberry Pi 4b Temperature monitor

This is a rude NRPE plugin that monitors the Raspberry Pi 4 Temperature over "vcgencmd measure_temp"

This is a rude plugin that monitors the Raspberry Pi 4 Temperature over "vcgencmd measure_temp" Usage: [Warning] [Critical] ~$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ 65 70 OK: Raspberry Pi - 50 C°
Rittal CMC-TC support for Nagios

Simple shell scripts to read Rittal CMC-TC variables using its web interface. Supports all I/O units and LCP-unit.
Sensaphone IMS-4000 (check_ims_sensor)

Check plugin to pull environment sensor data from a Sensaphone(tm) IMS-4000(tm) monitoring system. This plugin will query an input channel for type, label and value and provide screen output based on the channel's configuration on the IMS-4000. Useful ...

Check Environmental/Chassis stats on an SGI Altix XE via SNMP with pnp4nagios template

Check RAID, Drive, and Environmental sensors on an ARECA RAID controller via SNMP

Check Chassis/environmental stats for a Barracuda Spam Firewall. Also has a custom pnp4nagios graph template for it.
Simple pCOWEB temperature check with alarms.

Perl script to check the room temperature by probing the pCOWEB module through SNMP.
With Nagios compatible performance info.
SNMP checking for IBM Bladecenters with performance dat...

Based on with a few added checks and performance data. This module Tests various aspects of the IBM Bladecenter using the SNMP interface of the Mana ...