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This is a simple check that checks the temperature (and converts it to Fahrenheit) for Weathergoose environmental monitors. I would guess this would work fine with other IT Watchdogs environmental monitors, i.e. Supergoose, Microgoose, Minigoose.
Usage: check_temp_weathergoose.sh -H [-f] -w -c
-H - The IP address of the Weathergoose
-C - SNMP Community
-f - Convert output to Fahrenheit
-w - Warning Range
-c - Critical Range

Please check http://john.wesorick.com/2011/03/nagios-check-checktempweathergoose.html for the most up-to-date version of the script.
Reviews (1)
I don't understand how to format the alert ranges. No matter what value I use for an alert -w or -c threshold it results in a critical low alert. Does the script need to be edited?

Otherwise, without using alert flags, the plugin does output the correct temperature.