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Nagios V-Shell Featured Popular

Nagios V-Shell is a PHP web interface to Nagios Core that is designed to be lightweight, easy to install and use, and customizable. As of v1.7, V-Shell now has gettext support for internationalization.
Version 1.9 has now been overhauled for substant ...
Mass Acknowledgement Component Featured

This Nagios XI component generates a list of hosts and services that are in a "Unhandled Problem" state, and allows you to acknowledge and/or schedule downtime for the submitted list of hosts and services.
To install, access the Admin->Manage Compon ...
Nagios Mobile Featured

Nagios Mobile is a lightweight web interface, based on the Teeny Nagios project by Hirose Masaaki. Nagios Mobile is a PHP web-based application designed for Mobile and touch-screen devices.
Key Features:
- User-level authorization for hosts, servic ...
XI System Profile Component Featured

The component adds a System Profile page to the Admin menu and displays relevant system information for common troubleshooting issues. The profile information can be downloaded as a zip file to provide support teams with importation information. This com ...
Nagios XI Component Development

This document describes how to use the Nagios XI Framework to access data and build a successful component. Components are developed to extend the functionality of your Nagios XI installation. This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrato ...
Understanding And Using XI Dashboards

This document describes Nagios XI dashboards, what they can be used for, and how they can be managed.
Understanding And Using XI Views

This video tutorial demonstrates Nagios XI views, what they are used for, and how they can be managed. Views are designed to provide individual users with quick access to Nagios XI pages and external websites they find useful.
XI Details Overview

This document explains how to utilize the different features of the Nagios® XI™ interface to view detail information about hosts and services. The Details menu offers many different ways to view the status of your hosts and services. In larger environm ...
XI Host Management

This document describes how to manage hosts and host groups using the Nagios® XI™ Core Config Manager. While monitoring wizards make it easy to set up new hosts in Nagios XI, the Core Config Manager allows for more precise control over host monitoring, ...
Nagios XI Google Map Integration Component

Display host status as an overlay on a Google Map within Nagios XI. Uses lat/long coordinates to identify host location. This component requires Nagios XI 1.2C or later.
Google Map Nagios XI Dashlet

This dashlet is intended to be paired with the XI Google Map component. It allows the insertion of the Google Map tool into a dashlet to display host status as a map overlay. This dashlet requires Nagios XI 1.2C or later, as well as the XI Google Map co ...
Nagvis Integration Component

This XI component is to be used in conjunction with our current Nagvis installation script, and it bring all existing Nagvis maps inside the maps menu of a Nagios XI installation. Currently supported for Nagvis 1.4.6.
XI Business Process Addons

This component brings the Business Process Addons feature into the XI interface. This component DOES NOT contain the Business Process Addons, the installation instructions for that can be found at the following location and should be executed before inst ...
Intro To Nagios V-Shell

This document describes how to install and setup the Nagios V-Shell, or "Visual" Shell, for Nagios Core and Nagios XI installations. Nagios V-Shell is a lightweight PHP interface for Nagios Core designed to be simple to install and use, and easily custom ...
Nagios V-Shell Quick Tour

A video tour of Nagios V-Shell that shows what it looks like and how it works. Nagios V-Shell is an Open Source PHP frontend for Nagios.
Nagios Business Process Intelligence (BPI)

Nagios Business Process Intelligence is an advanced grouping tool that allows you to set more complex dependencies to determine groups states. Nagios BPI provides an interface to effectively view the 'real' state of the network. Rules for group states c ...
Custom URL Dashlet

Define your own URL, dimensions, and opacity in this highly flexible dashlet!
RSS Feed Dashlet

Create a custom RSS feed with up to 5 sources. The feed is color-coded by newest to oldest, and scrolls as a list in order to save dashboard space.
Nagiostats Wizard

This wizard automatically generates checks for Nagios statistics (nagiostats), including; host/service checks per minute, check latency, execution time, external command usage, and more.
Nagios Business Process Intelligence (BPI) Wizard

This wizard allows you to monitor the status of your Nagios BPI groups.
Writing Custom Config Wizards For Nagios XI

This document outlines how to write custom Configuration Wizards in Nagios XI, while using the tools within the XI framework and maintaining the integrity of the software. This document is intended for developers familiar with PHP and HTML, and includes a ...
Graph Explorer Component

This is a Nagios XI Customer Download. This component requires Nagios XI 2011R1.3 or later.
The Graph Explorer component utilizes javascript libraries to create interactive graphing tools for Nagios XI, including zoomable performance graphs, time-stack ...
Nagios XI Operations Center Component

The Nagios XI Operations Center Component provides a NOC screen-style view of all unhandled host and service problems. The screen automatically refreshes every 30 seconds to show the latest problem events.
Automated Host Management In Nagios XI

This document describes how to automate adding and removing hosts and services in Nagios XI from the command line. Some administrators may have need to automate the process of adding and removing hosts and services in Nagios XI for use with cloud computi ...
Nagios BPI Dashlet For Nagios Fusion

Nagios Fusion dashlet for Nagios BPI groups. This dashlet shows a summary of all BPI groups on child Nagios XI servers. See requirements below.
- Nagios XI + Nagios BPI 2.x on child servers
- Nagios Fusion 2012r1.1 or lat ...
Fusion LDAP Authentication Component

This component allows for Nagios Fusion users to utilize their LDAP credentials for authentication.
Nagios Fusion Operation Center Component

This component aggregates all unhandled host and service problems across all Nagios XI servers into a single read-only view, and is intended for use as a NOC screen.
NOTE: This component currently only aggregates unhandled problems from Nagios XI serv ...
Nagios XI Custom Login Component

This component allows for a custom login splash to be created for the Nagios XI login page. Requires Nagios XI 2012r1.3 or later.
Nagios XI Custom Column Component

This component adds the host notes field to the main status tables in Nagios XI. This component is intended to be a developer example of how to add a custom column to display additional information for hosts and/or services in the status tables of Nagios ...
Nagios Fusion Custom Login Component

This component allows for a custom login splash to be created for the Nagios Fusion login page. Requires Nagios Fusion 2012r1.4 or later.
Active Directory Integration for Nagios XI

Use AD as an authentication source for XI
Active Directory Integration for Nagios Fusion

Use Active Directory as an authentication source for Nagios Fusion. Requires nagios Fusion 2012R1.2 or later and php-ldap package to be installed.