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Directory Tree
OpenBSD 5 nrpe restart script

I wrote a script to reload nrpe on OpenBSD. You can easily start nrpe at boot up, but I grew tired of manually killing then launching nrpe each time I updated the nrpe.cfg file
HTTP String Match - Python

This is a python script that checks a web page for a case insensitive string match.

Python script that returns overall and per-core utilization monitoring. Supports graphing in pnp4nagios
Barracuda Reputation Alert

The Barracuda Networks RBL can be a hassle to deal with. While not frequent some of my servers end up on the Barracuda RBL and I wanted a pro-active way to monitor this. This script checks postfix log files for Barracuda reputation / RBL issues and al ...
Postgresql 9.3 Streaming Replication Delay

Python script to check and graph the delay in seconds from your primary to your hot standby PostgreSQL 9.3 server.
Python Memory Check (psutil)

Improved memory check using Python, specifically the psutil library.
NFS Check

Shell script that checks to ensure NFS mounted directory is writable and lists current open files in that directory. Mimics the behavior of lsof -N but does not use lsof as listing the files in /proc/*/pd/* returned faster. Would work for any path real ...