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Category: Network Connections, Stats and Bandwidth
Nagios plugins for monitoring network bandwidth usage, download speed, network connections, etc.
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Nagios scripts to check user status and traffic for OpenVPN Community edition

A simple perl script to check ovs bond status. I use this on my proxmox server. No parameters, no help. You will need to execute with sudo.

This check is great to detect when a network cable for whatever reason deteriorates and stops providing the desired up-link speed. It works perfectly for any system that has ethtool installed.

Read a fil with a list of ips. One ip per line, for example For each ip, it will ping a specified number of times. User will pass as parameters, miliseconds and percent of packet loss thresholds. Both for warning and for critical. So the script wil ...

Checks Interface port states in dual administrative/operational up/down fashion Tested with Cisco, Linux, Mikrotik and probably works on most of other equipment Depends on: Linux net-snmp-utils

A small script to check when providers change under dynamic routing. Useful when you have frequent trouble with the upper tier or channels to well known sites work funny. You need to have Geo::IP and Net::Traceroute for it to work

This python plugin tests if your main internet or backup internet connection is active. Tested with Nagios Core 3.3.1 and Python 2.7

Plugin written in Perl using radclient and Status-Server packet from FreeRADIUS project. Performance data about elapsed time executing the query.

Because of my work I had to write a little PHP script to integrate with Nagios. It works checking local RRD databases (Nagios and Cacti on same computer for example) for incoming or outgoing transfer rates.

check_smokeping script that checks Loss/Latency/Jitter from Smokeping RRD files (ePN compliant)

BlueCoat SG appliance environment check via SNMP by Marko Pavlovic.

BlueCoatSG appliance usage check via SNMP by Marko Pavlovic. Plugin can be used to check cpu, memory and disk usage, as well as number http client connections and http server connections (total, active and idle).

Checks the number of free network interfaces on a IF-MIB compliant network device. Plugin let us checking the number of interfaces with a DOWN operational or admin status for more than X days. An example should make this more clear. check_snmp_ ...

check_snmp_if is a Nagios plugin that checks interfaces via SNMP (IF-MIB).

Nagios and Icinga Plugin for Checking Interface Traffic Statics Forked and modified from check_iftraffic64.

Based on standard MIB RFC-1213. This plugin monitors broadcast and multicast storms of switchs interfaces. Version 1.1: Add adjustable measuring interval (-t) Version 1.2: Add Perfdata to the check

Check traffic usage of an interface Usage: ./check_snmp_traffic # ./check_snmp_traffic localhost private 1 ">1" ">2" WARNING if iface # 1 trafic > 1 Mbit/s, CRITICAL if trafic > 2 Mbit/s # ./check_snmp_traffic localhost private 10 "

A plugin to check available bandwidth from a Nagios server using new speedtest cli package. Based on old check_speedtest-cli by John Witts :

This script will output the Internet Connection Speed using speedtest-cli to Nagios. You need to have installed speedtest-cli on your system first and ensured that it is working by calling "speedtest --simple". See here: ...

Check that an Ookla Speedtest server with a specified URL and/or host is present on the public list of servers.

Check stack status of Netgear switches (Count in SNMP the physical number of units in the stack)

# FILE: # SYNOPSIS: check numbers of ifOutErrors + ifInErrors report the switch has in total. # GUILTY_PARTY: Luis Perez # LICENSE: GPL, Copyright 2021 #For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound #packets that cou ...

Check that interfaces are in the state that the network admin requested them to be in in the cisco cli.

Check that modules are in an ok state. Say exactly which module is in non-ok state otherwise. Tested on Cisco Nexus 7000 series switches.

Check that 2 (or more) PSUs are present and working in a Cisco switch. Usually a removed PSU won't be noticed since there is no error to report (and someone might forget to replace it etc.)

Simple plugin to monitor network traffic on Linux systems

This plugin does a traceroute with the given OS's traceroute command (currently supported: Linux and Windows)
and creates a nice graph via rrdgraph.
So now, when a machine you are trying to access has bad ping times every now and then, you can find ou ...

This plugin checks traffic usage and jitter of: 1) a single interface on a single network device 2) multiple interfaces on a single network device 3) interface(s) on a single or multiple network devices The amount of interfaces is not limited. How ...

check_traffic_ipfwcount monitors bandwidth usage of a particular IP address using the ipfw internal counters

check_traffic_limit is a Nagios plugin based on vnstat. It checks the traffic on any interface and sends a warning when defined daily or monthly limits are reached. The plugin comes with Nagios grapher templates.
check_traffic_limit_0.2 -i et ...

Checks for the existence of a wireless SSID without connecting to the wireless network. Only provides a binary up/down response by polling the wireless card using iwlist. Requires the nagios user to have permissions to run iwlist on the host machine.

This script was a reaction to the fact that Comcast kept changing my IP address which broke stuff I was doing at the time with my home router. Before I hear about all the DynDNS stuff out there, at the time this was not an acceptable solution.
Cisco AP Client number

Cisco Airespace AP Client number This script gather information (via SNMP) from Cisco 4400 Series Wireless Controller about number of currently connected users to Access Point in question.
Cisco IP SLA check

Checks the status of one or more IP SLA entries on a Cisco IOS device. Supports echo and jitter SLA's.
Collect Network Statistics

This check looks at /proc/net/dev and generates BPS in/Out, PPS in/out as well as interface errors and multicast packets in for every interface. it should work with most unix OSes Check the GitHub link for the latest versions
Count the number of half-open SYN (flood) connections

Count and graph the number of half-open SYN_R connections with netstat. Useful for detecting SYN Floods.
FLAVIO netflow stats check

Check on Netflow statistics about a device (and optionally its ports) in a given FLAVIO database.
FreeBSD network bandwidth

This is a plugin that returns performance values for network bandwidth on FreeBSD hosts using netstat command.
getting xen vif

This perl script fetches interface name from xen vms using xen xe shell. a mysql db is required.
HAProxy check

check_haproxy.rb checks haproxy stats and reports errors if any of the servers for a proxy are down. Written in Ruby and only requires Ruby. We run Nagios 3.x, and I haven't tested with any other versions. Updated version now works with ruby 1.8+ ...

Checks the utilization of a given interface name with snmp. Changed a few things. Make sure rrdtool is getting bytes. Make sure rrdtool is not generating spikes.