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File | Description |
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Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform
Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.
Monitoring Made Magically Better
- Nagios Core on Overdrive
- Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
- Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
- Open Source Powered Monitoring On Steroids
- And So Much More!
For each ip, it will ping a specified number of times.
User will pass as parameters, miliseconds and percent of packet loss thresholds. Both for warning and for critical.
So the script will return OK if ping is OK and no threshold is exceeded.
Warning if all pings exceeding thresholds are between warning boundaries.
And of some is beyond critical warning, the script will return CRITICAL
Read a fil with a list of ips. One ip per line, for example
$ cat ips.list
For each ip, it will ping a specified number of times.
User will pass as parameters, miliseconds and percent of packet loss thresholds. Both for warning and for critical.
So the script will return OK if ping is OK and no threshold is exceeded.
Warning if all pings exceeding thresholds are between warning boundaries.
And of some is beyond critical warning, the script will return CRITICAL
./ -p 2 -w 600,3% -c 1000,6% -f /var/log/nagios/ips.list
echo "Usage: `basename $0` -f path_to_file -w X,X% -c X,X% [-p X]"
echo " -f = Full path al archivo, con una lista de ip contra las que se quiere chequear conectividad."
echo " -w = "warning_ms, warning_percentage% , por ejemplo : 10,2%""
echo " -c = "critical_ms, critical_percentage% , por ejemplo : 20,5%""
echo " -p = Optional : cantidad de pings a realizar. Default 5."
echo " -h = Optional help mode."
USE : I copy the script into "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" , and thats all...
$ cat ips.list
For each ip, it will ping a specified number of times.
User will pass as parameters, miliseconds and percent of packet loss thresholds. Both for warning and for critical.
So the script will return OK if ping is OK and no threshold is exceeded.
Warning if all pings exceeding thresholds are between warning boundaries.
And of some is beyond critical warning, the script will return CRITICAL
./ -p 2 -w 600,3% -c 1000,6% -f /var/log/nagios/ips.list
echo "Usage: `basename $0` -f path_to_file -w X,X% -c X,X% [-p X]"
echo " -f = Full path al archivo, con una lista de ip contra las que se quiere chequear conectividad."
echo " -w = "warning_ms, warning_percentage% , por ejemplo : 10,2%""
echo " -c = "critical_ms, critical_percentage% , por ejemplo : 20,5%""
echo " -p = Optional : cantidad de pings a realizar. Default 5."
echo " -h = Optional help mode."
USE : I copy the script into "/usr/local/nagios/libexec" , and thats all...
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