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11 votes
Nagios CSP

Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform

Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.

Monitoring Made Magically Better

  • Nagios Core on Overdrive
  • Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
  • Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
  • Open Source Powered Monitoring On Steroids
  • And So Much More!
Check many things for a Postgres database, including connectivity, version, disk space used, table and index bloat, database size, relation size, locks, number of connections, transaction wraparound, and more.
Connects to one or more Postgres databases and checks for a variety of things. An action is either given on the command line, or inferred from the name of the executable by using symlinks. The current list of actions is: backends, bloat, connection, database_size, disk_space, index_size, last_analyze, last_vacuum, listener, locks, logfile, query_runtime, query_time, relation_size, settings_checksum, table_size, timesync, txn_wraparound, and version. Most standard nagios options are supported, including --timeout. All that is required is a local psql executable. Licensed under BSD, see web page for full documentation.
Reviews (7)
bymorocho1979, May 24, 2016
i install , and use but in manuall mode i dont know hot to use in my server file yo check my postgres exist any guide with real examples
bybarthoosh, July 24, 2015
Freshest version is 2.22.0 (July 2015)
I'm using it for connections limit monitoring.
Common and useful.
by, April 24, 2014
Usefull for me !!

If you uses action "query" (as: --action=custom_query --query="SELECT count (*) FROM pg_stat_activity"), you'll need tu put all right on "/tmp" (777 & t) :-)
byNapsty, July 22, 2013
Was looking for a similar plugin like check_mysql to get some Postgres stats. check_postgres does the job and much more. Once I figured out how to use it correctly (--action is required), it worked great. Thanks for your work!
bylausser, July 12, 2013
I always wanted to write a check_postgres_health to join the family of my database plugins. But with an existing plugin like this one, it would be a waste of time.
So many features, consistent command line parameters, clean code... A very useful plugin!
byjoehillen, March 13, 2012
This is one of the best plugins I have ever used. It is massive and has more features than I could dream of using.

It is also extremely well documented. Run:

./ --man

to see it in action. Be sure to install perl-doc.

It is still maintained as of March 8, 2012 at: