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70 votes
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check_esxi_hardware (formerly known as check_esx_wbem) is an open source monitoring plugin to monitor the hardware of ESXi (and previously ESX) servers. It queries the CIM (Common Information Model) server running on the ESXi server to retrieve the current status of all discovered hardware parts. The plugin can also be used as standalone script to check the hardware. The plugin is written in python and uses the pywbem module. It supports both python2 and python3. See Requirements for more information.
Please find the plugin, more information and full documentation, including FAQ, here:

Version History
20080820 Initial release by David Ligeret
20080821 Add verbose mode by David Ligeret
20090219 Add try/except to catch AuthError and CIMError by Joshua Daniel Franklin
20100202 Added HP Support (HealthState) by Branden Schneider
20100512 Combined different versions (Joshua and Branden) and added hardware type switch
20100628 Outputs server model, s/n and bios version and set Unknown as default exit code by Samir Ibradzic
20100702 GlobalStatus was incorrectly getting (re)set to OK with every CIM element check by Aaron Rogers
20100705 After last version all Dell servers return UNKNOWN instead of OK, added Aaron's logic for Dell checks as well
20101028 Changed text in Usage and Example so people dont forget to use https://
20110110 If Dell Blade Servers were used, Serial Number of Chassis instead of Blade was returned - by Ludovic Huttin
20110207 Bugfix/new feature for Intel server systems by Carsten Schoene
20110215 Plugin now catches Socket Error (Timeout Error) and added a timeout parameter by Ludovic Hutin
20110221 Removed recently added timeout parameter due to incompatibility on Windows systems
20110221 Changed plugin name from to
20110426 Added 'ibm' hardware type (compatible to Dell output). Tested by Keith Erekson on an IBM x3550.
20110503 Plugin rewritten, added automatic hardware detection, opt params, perfdata and much more by Phil Randal
20110504 Some minor code changes, removed typo, bugfix for voltage sensors on IBM server by Phil Randal
20110505 Added possibility to use first line of a file as password (file:) by Fredrik Ã…slund
20110507 A lot of bugfixes and enhancements from Phil Randal (see changelog in plugin for details)
20110520 Bugfix for IBM Blade Servers by Bertrand Jomin
20110614 Rewrote external file handling, file can now be used for password AND username
20111003 Added ignore option to ignore certain elements by Ian Chard
20120402 Making plugin GPL compatible (Copyright) and preparing for OpenBSD port
20120405 Fix lookup of warranty info for Dell by Phil Randal
20120501 Bugfix in manufacturer discovery when cim entry not found or empty by Craig Hart
20121027 Workaround for Dell PE x620 for Riser Config Err 0: Connected element (wrong return code)
20130424 Another workaround for Dell systems "System Board 1 LCD Cable Pres 0: Connected"
20130702 Improving wrong authentication timeout and exit UNKNOWN by Carl R. Friend
20130725 Fix lookup of warranty info for Dell by Phil Randal
20140319 Another workaround for Dell systems "System Board 1 VGA Cable Pres 0: Connected"
20150109 Output serial number of chassis if a blade server is checked
20150119 Fix NoneType element bug by Andreas Gottwald
20150626 Added support for patched pywbem 0.7.0 and new version 0.8.0, handle SSL error exception
20150710 Exit Unknown instead of Critical for timeouts and auth errors by Stanislav German-Evtushenko
20151111 Cleanup and define variables by Stefan Roos
20160411 Distinguish between/add support for minor versions of pywbem 0.7 and 0.8
20160531 Add parameter for variable CIM port (useful when behind NAT)
20161013 Added support for pywbem 0.9.x (and upcoming releases)
20170905 Added option to ignore LCD/Display related elements (--no-lcd)
20180329 Try to use internal pywbem function to determine version
20180411 Throw an unknown if we can't fetch the data for some reason by Peter Newman
20181001 python3 compatibility
20180510 Allow regular expressions from ignore list (-r)
20190701 Fix lookup of warranty info for Dell (again) by Phil Randal
20200605 Added otion to ignore chassis intrusion elements (--no-intrusion) by Luca Berra
20200605 Add parameter (-S) for custom SSL/TLS protocol version
20200710 Improve missing mandatory parameter error text (issue #47), Delete temporary openssl config file after use (issue #48)
20210809 Fix TLSv1 usage (issue #51)
20220708 Added JSON-output (Zabbix needs it) by Marco Markgraf

- Python must be installed (both Python2 and Python3 are supported)
- The Python extension pywbem must be installed
- If there is a firewall between your monitoring and ESXi server, open tcp port 5989 (or the port you define with -C)
- The CIM server and agent must be running on the ESXi server. Starting from ESXi 6.5 the CIM agent is disabled by default. See VMware KB 1025757 for more information.

./ -H esxi-server-ip -U username -P mypass [-C -S -V -i -r -v -p -I]
Reviews (55)
I love the plugin but I cannot get it to execute in the command defintion if I use %HOSTADDRESS% instead of the full IP.

Obviously, I need to be able to use vars to apply the service to all my VMware servers.

Any ideas? HEre are my command and service defs:

############## Command Definitions for VMWare Servers ##################################

define command {
command_name check_vmware_hardware
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -H %HOSTADDRESS% -U root -P 'MYPASS'

############## Service Definitions for vmware Servers ###################################

define service{
use generic-service ; Name of service template to use
hostgroup_name vmware-servers
service_description System: ESXi HArdware Status
check_command check_vmware_hardware
Owner's reply

It should be $HOSTADDRESS$ (not percentage signs).

This plugin is just the job! It worked a treat and along with the contribution from nicola.sarobba (made against the previous version) about using a non-root user (see below), this has made my day.

One of the 8 hosts I'm checking, shows up some weird results (no server details): -

"OK Server: "

Running with " -v" shows lots of this kind of thing: -

# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -H vmserver01 -U nagios -P 'wonkydonky' -I uk -v -V dell

20130807 23:31:26 Connection to https://vmserver01
20130807 23:31:26 Check classe OMC_SMASHFirmwareIdentity
20130807 23:31:26 Unknown CIM Error: (1, u'ThreadPool --- Failed to enqueue request. Too many queued requests already: vmware_base, active 5, queued 11 ')

20130807 23:33:52 Check classe VMware_StorageExtent
20130807 23:33:53 Check classe VMware_Controller
20130807 23:33:55 Check classe VMware_StorageVolume
20130807 23:33:57 Check classe VMware_Battery
20130807 23:33:59 Check classe VMware_SASSATAPort
OK - Server:

When I log in to vSphere it's looking quite like the server has some problems (health check shows all "unknown"), so not really the script's fault, though a "WARNING: couldn't get any info or similar" might be more appropriate?

Comments to other reviewers now: -

turner2151uk, have you tried "escaping" the exclaimation mark like this?


Perematko, nicola.sarobba suggested this (which worked a treat for me): -

in vSphere
- create a nagios user
- add this user to the root group
- Assign the "No access" role to the nagios user

Pentangle, perhaps it's not executable? I had to do the following to get it to run: -

"chmod +x"
byturner2151uk, August 5, 2013
Great plugin! Completely works fine.

One thing I cant get to work is an exclamation mark in my password '!'.
by4te, April 2, 2013
Hi, i have the strange issue with memory.
There is verbose output from

And i dont have any idea about this CRITICAL error. I checked memory on this server by memtest and there is no errors. By the way, there is no any alerts in vSphere Client on this hypervisor. So, why i have this CRITICAL output?
Owner's reply

Your CRITICAL comes from this:

20130403 11:54:11 Element Name = Memory
20130403 11:54:11 Element Op Status = 6
20130403 11:54:11 Global exit set to CRITICAL

According to the CIM table, exit code 6 means "error". The whole check class seems to be strange on your hardware. Try to run the plugin without CIM_Memory (comment/disable it in the plugin) and see if that helps.

Plugin worked very well for me with vmware 4.1 & 5.1. The only problem was getting user with proper permissions set up on the vmware side. Running without Administrator privileges requires a small hack: there is a way to make it work without Administrator role ( with No Access). You need to add your monitoring account to root group on the host. Vi-client won't let you do that, so just ssh to your host , vi /etc/group and modify existing line to look like this :


I'm not sure if it opens some kind of other horrible security hole somewhere, but it works and looks reasonably secure.
byshockwavecs, March 11, 2013
1 of 1 people found this review helpful
First off, thank you for your work on the plugin. Works well as root, etc.

I perform the following and it will not work, unless supplying root password or making nagios user an Administrator:
0 - Run plugin with root credentials and works 100%
1 - Create nagios role
2 - Add CIM access to role
3 - Create nagios user
4 - Assign user to role
5 - Run plugin and receive " : Authentication Error! - Server:"
6 - Edit role and select the "Check All" box enabling this nagios user full permissions
7 - Run plugin and receive " : Authentication Error! - Server:"

So at this point a new user with full control cannot access the CIM information at all.

8 - Change Nagios user to "Administrator" role
9 - Completes check 100%

This will allow me to not supply root password for this system as it is a central root password. But the full on access is still scary. Am I doing something wrong? I must be because other people are doing fine. Please correct me :)

PS: ESXi 5.1 with most recent patches applied.
Owner's reply

It is actually mandatory to grant the "Administrator" role. This is because of the implementation design of CIM in ESXi. Please see for more information (also look at the comments).

My service status says OK eventhough there should be a warning. When I run the script, it does correctly give a warning about one of my power supply being unplugged.
Owner's reply

If there's a difference in Nagios output and the manually launched script output, then you should check your Nagios config.

byWolfgang, October 23, 2012
0 of 1 people found this review helpful

I used the script for SUN Fire X4540.
The script detect the SUN server with SN, not the model.

But I dont know how to interpret the disk and power supply status.
For a test I cut a power-supply, but nothing changed in output-file.
Thanks Wolfgang

Here ist the output:
20121024 08:17:26 Connection to
20121024 08:17:26 Check classe OMC_SMASHFirmwareIdentity
20121024 08:17:26 Element Name = System BIOS
20121024 08:17:26 VersionString = 080014
20121024 08:17:26 Check classe CIM_Chassis
20121024 08:17:26 Element Name = Chassis
20121024 08:17:26 Manufacturer = Sun Microsystems
20121024 08:17:26 SerialNumber = 0905AMR011
20121024 08:17:26 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:26 Element Name = Chassis
20121024 08:17:26 Manufacturer = Sun Microsystems
20121024 08:17:26 SerialNumber = 0000000-0000000000
20121024 08:17:26 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:26 Check classe CIM_Card
20121024 08:17:27 Element Name = Motherboard
20121024 08:17:27 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:27 Check classe CIM_ComputerSystem
20121024 08:17:27 Element Name = modular enclosure of localhost.kli-ma
20121024 08:17:27 Element Name = System Board 7:0
20121024 08:17:27 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:27 Element Name = localhost.kli-ma
20121024 08:17:27 Element Name = Hardware Management Controller (Node 0)
20121024 08:17:27 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:27 Check classe CIM_NumericSensor
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 9 ft4.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5800.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 8 ft4.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5700.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 7 ft3.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5700.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 6 ft3.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5700.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 5 ft2.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5800.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 4 ft2.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5800.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 3 ft1.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5700.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 2 ft1.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5800.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 1 ft0.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5800.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Fan Device 0 ft0.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 5 - Tachometer
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 19
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5800.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 8500.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 3000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 9000.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+1v2
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.210000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.080000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.320000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 1.020000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 1.380000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+1v8
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.830000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.620000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.970000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 1.530000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 2.060000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+1v4
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.400000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.260000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.530000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 1.180000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 1.600000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+1v5
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.510000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.340000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.640000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 1.270000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 1.710000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+5v_disk
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 5.160000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4.480000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 5.490000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 4.240000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 5.730000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+12v
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 12.150000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 10.770000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 13.160000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 10.140000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 13.790000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+5v
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 4.940000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 4.490000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 5.480000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 4.230000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 5.740000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+3v3
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 3.350000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 2.950000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 3.610000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 2.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 3.780000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_+3v3stby
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 3.260000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 2.950000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 3.610000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 2.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 3.780000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.v_bat
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 3.080000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 2.600000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 3.400000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 2.400000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 3.600000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Drive Backplane 0 dbp.t_amb
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 21.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 33.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.front.t_amb
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 44.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 90.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 95.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 io.rear.t_amb
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 50.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 90.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 95.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 1 p1.v_+0v9
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 0.900000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 0.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 0.980000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 0.750000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 1.030000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 1 p1.v_+1v8
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.830000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.620000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.970000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 1.520000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 2.060000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 1 p1.t_core
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 19.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 62.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 67.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 1 p1.v_vddcore
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.080000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 0.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.910000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 0.710000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 2.040000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 0 p0.v_+0v9
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 0.900000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 0.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 0.980000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 0.750000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 1.030000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 0 p0.v_+1v8
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.830000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.620000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.970000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 1.520000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 2.060000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 0 p0.v_vddcore
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.080000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 0.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.910000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 0.710000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 2.040000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor 0 p0.t_core
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 19.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 62.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 67.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor Module 0 proc.rear.t_amb
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 32.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 90.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 95.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor Module 0 proc.front.t_amb
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 2 - Temperature
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 29.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 90.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 95.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.v_+1v2ht
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 1.200000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 1.000000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 1.500000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 0.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 1.690000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.v_+12v
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 12.090000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 10.770000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 13.160000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 10.140000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 13.790000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Processor Module 0 bat.v_bat
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 3.080000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 2.600000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 3.400000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 2.400000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 3.600000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.v_+3v3
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 3.280000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 2.950000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 3.610000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 2.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 3.780000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.v_+3v3stby
20121024 08:17:28 sensorType = 3 - Voltage
20121024 08:17:28 BaseUnits = 5
20121024 08:17:28 Scaled by = 0.010000
20121024 08:17:28 Current Reading = 3.250000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Non Critical = 2.950000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Non Critical = 3.610000
20121024 08:17:28 Lower Threshold Critical = 2.800000
20121024 08:17:28 Upper Threshold Critical = 3.780000
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Check classe CIM_Memory
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 1 Level-1 Cache
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 1 Level-2 Cache
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 1 Level-3 Cache
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 2 Level-1 Cache
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 2 Level-2 Cache
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 2 Level-3 Cache
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = Memory
20121024 08:17:28 Check classe CIM_Processor
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 1
20121024 08:17:28 Family = 138
20121024 08:17:28 CurrentClockSpeed = 2300MHz
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Element Name = CPU 2
20121024 08:17:28 Family = 138
20121024 08:17:28 CurrentClockSpeed = 2300MHz
20121024 08:17:28 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:28 Check classe CIM_RecordLog
20121024 08:17:29 Element Name = IPMI SEL
20121024 08:17:29 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:29 Check classe OMC_DiscreteSensor
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 47 hdd47.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 46 hdd46.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 45 hdd45.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 44 hdd44.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 43 hdd43.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 42 hdd42.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 41 hdd41.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 40 hdd40.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 39 hdd39.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 38 hdd38.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 37 hdd37.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 36 hdd36.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 35 hdd35.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 34 hdd34.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 33 hdd33.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 32 hdd32.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 31 hdd31.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 30 hdd30.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 29 hdd29.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 28 hdd28.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 27 hdd27.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 26 hdd26.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 25 hdd25.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 24 hdd24.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 23 hdd23.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 22 hdd22.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 21 hdd21.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 20 hdd20.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 19 hdd19.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 18 hdd18.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 17 hdd17.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 16 hdd16.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 15 hdd15.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 14 hdd14.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 13 hdd13.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 12 hdd12.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 11 hdd11.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 10 hdd10.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 9 hdd9.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 8 hdd8.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 7 hdd7.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 6 hdd6.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 5 hdd5.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 4 hdd4.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 3 hdd3.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 2 hdd2.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 1 hdd1.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.hba.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.hba.state 1: Predictive Failure
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.hba.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.state 1: Drive Present
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.state 1: Drive Fault
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.state 1: Hot Spare
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Disk or Disk Bay 0 hdd0.state 1: Rebuild In Progress
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 2 ps2.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 2 ps2.pwrok 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 2 ps2.vinok 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 1 ps1.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 0 ps0.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 1 ps1.pwrok 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 1 ps1.vinok 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 0 ps0.pwrok 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Power Supply 0 ps0.vinok 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Cooling Unit 4 ft4.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Cooling Unit 3 ft3.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Cooling Unit 2 ft2.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Cooling Unit 1 ft1.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Cooling Unit 0 ft0.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Processor 1 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Processor 1 p1.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Processor 0 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Processor 0 p0.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = Processor Module 2 proc.prsnt 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.locate.btn 1
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.acpi 1: S0/G0: working
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.acpi 1: S5/G2: soft-off
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = System Board 0 sys.reset.btn 1: Reset Button pressed
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = System Chassis 0 sys.nmi 1: NMI/Diag Interrupt
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Element Name = System Chassis 0 sys.intsw 1: General Chassis intrusion
20121024 08:17:32 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:32 Check classe OMC_Fan
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft4.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft4.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft3.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft3.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft2.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft2.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft1.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft1.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft0.f1.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = ft0.f0.speed
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121024 08:17:34 Check classe OMC_PowerSupply
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = Power Supply 0
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = Power Supply 1
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:34 Element Name = Power Supply 2
20121024 08:17:34 Element Op Status = 0
20121024 08:17:34 Check classe VMware_StorageExtent
20121024 08:17:35 Check classe VMware_Controller
20121024 08:17:35 Check classe VMware_StorageVolume
20121024 08:17:35 Check classe VMware_Battery
20121024 08:17:35 Check classe VMware_SASSATAPort
OK - Server: Sun Microsystems 0000000-0000000000 System BIOS: 080014 2008-11-04
Owner's reply

Looks like a hardware incompatibility issue to me. The Element Operating Status' of the Power Supplies show a value of 0.

Here to compare with a Dell server:

20121026 15:51:33 Check classe OMC_PowerSupply
20121026 15:51:34 Element Name = Power Supply 1
20121026 15:51:34 Element Op Status = 2
20121026 15:51:34 Element Name = Power Supply 2
20121026 15:51:34 Element Op Status = 2

If the disconnected Power Supply doesn't show up in vSphere either, then your hardware is definitely not "ready" for the CIM API.

I have this running on about 8 hosts and 6 of them are not reporting errors and it actually caught a motherboard error we happened to miss in the past. However I am getting the error "WARNING Memory" on two hosts and have absolutely no idea what it means. The hosts are not out of memory, there are not any errors in ESXi that I can find. So besides this error, it appears to be working correctly. Hopefully I can find a solution to the Memory error so I can clear up Nagios instead of having two yellow servers. If anyone has any ideas feel free to let me know.
Owner's reply

There can be several reasons for this error. Please send me the verbose output (-v parameter). You'll find a contact form on my website.

bytriton_dm, August 16, 2012
you have to set the correct pythonpath
PYTHONPATH="" ./ --host=https://host ......
byPentangle, July 17, 2012
If I try to run either
a) ./ https://esxi-server-ip username mypass hw_type [verbose]
b) ./ -H esxi-server-ip -U username -P mypass [-V -i -v -p -I xx]
I get an error saying './ command not found' I have it downloaded and I am in the folder that contains the file. What am I doing wrong?
p.s. I do have python and pywbem
Owner's reply

You can't copy the usage line one to one. You must enter your own information... See examples on the documentation website.

With the openSUSE Update from 11.3 to 11.4 python was updated from 2.6 to 2.7. Now I get these errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 544, in
instance_list = wbemclient.EnumerateInstances(classe)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pywbem/", line 404, in EnumerateInstances
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pywbem/", line 168, in imethodcall
verify_callback = self.verify_callback)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pywbem/", line 184, in wbem_request
h.putheader('Content-length', len(data))
File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 924, in putheader
str = '%s: %s' % (header, '\r\n\t'.join(values))
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, int found
Owner's reply

You might have to recompile pywbem to the new python version.

The plugin works fine with ESXi 4.1 (the new licensed version). Tested with IBM xSeries and HP Proliant.

If you do not want to use the root account, but a dedicated account for monitoring, you can try this steps:

in vSphere
- create a nagios user
- add this user to the root group
- Assign the "No access" role to the nagios user

Youll'have the right to access from the plugin, but the nagios user will not be able to access with the vsphere client, the console and, SSH.
bymtrento, August 23, 2011
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
same error here but i suspect a perl library update to have it broken because it worked before.
here the verbose log i get on a cisco server

20110824 09:53:36 Connection to
20110824 09:53:36 Check classe OMC_SMASHFirmwareIdentity
20110824 09:53:36 Element Name = System BIOS
20110824 09:53:36 VersionString = C200.1.3.1c.0.021920110242
20110824 09:53:36 Check classe CIM_Chassis
20110824 09:53:37 Element Name = Chassis
20110824 09:53:37 Manufacturer = Cisco Systems Inc
20110824 09:53:37 SerialNumber = QCI1424A0WS
20110824 09:53:37 Model = R210-2121605W
20110824 09:53:37 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:37 Check classe CIM_Card
20110824 09:53:37 Element Name = Server Blade
20110824 09:53:37 SerialNumber = QCI1423A2CW
20110824 09:53:37 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:37 Check classe CIM_ComputerSystem
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:24
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:29
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:30
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:31
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:32
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = System Board 7:33
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = Add-in Card 11:0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = Add-in Card 11:1
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name =
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = Hardware Management Controller (Node 0)
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 0
20110824 09:53:38 Element Name = Controller 0 (LSI MegaRAID SAS 9261-8i)
20110824 09:53:38 Element Op Status = 2
20110824 09:53:38 Check classe CIM_NumericSensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 493, in ?
instance_list = wbemclient.EnumerateInstances(classe)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pywbem/", line 403, in EnumerateInstances
ClassName = CIMClassName(ClassName),
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pywbem/", line 178, in imethodcall
reply_dom = minidom.parseString(resp_xml)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/", line 1925, in parseString
return expatbuilder.parseString(string)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/", line 942, in parseString
return builder.parseString(string)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/dom/", line 223, in parseString
parser.Parse(string, True)
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 2759, column 7
byvidanez, August 10, 2011
3 of 3 people found this review helpful
Its run softly and nice on dell systems but on Sun Blade X6440 I have this error using unknown or auto ...

File "./", line 477, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pywbem/", line 404, in EnumerateInstances
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pywbem/", line 178, in imethodcall
reply_dom = minidom.parseString(resp_xml)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/xml/dom/", line 1928, in parseString
return expatbuilder.parseString(string)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/xml/dom/", line 940, in parseString
return builder.parseString(string)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/xml/dom/", line 223, in parseString
parser.Parse(string, True)
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 199, column 17
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