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Nagios CSP

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check_eva will monitor the health of your HP EVA disk system.
It uses the sssu command (on windows or linux) to communicate with Commandview EVA.

See for latest version.
Reviews (7)

I have some troubles runnnig this plugin, I either get a good/ok result or an error from the plugin:

OK - 2 objects found | 'DEFAULT/Controller 2_controllermainmemory'=1155 'DEFAULT/Controller 1_controllermainmemory'=1155

This is the command i was trying to execute: Error: Error an internal operation failed. Trace information provides more information. [Internal Error: An unexpected condition was encountered while processing the request]
Error running the sssu command
sssu "set option on_error=continue" "select manager USERNAME=myUser PASSWORD=myPass" "select SYSTEM DEFAULT" "ls controller full"

NoSystemSelected> select SYSTEM DEFAULT

DEFAULT> ls controller full

Error: Error an internal operation failed. Trace information provides more information. [Internal Error: An unexpected condition was encountered while processing the request]

Can you please help me?
In reply to the last comment the reason why the script errors on newer versions of SSU is simply that HP changed one of the lines that the program looks for when it comments because of the branding change, it's changed from:
SSSU for HP StorageWorks Command View EVA
SSSU for HP P6000 Command View

I can't post an update because the code isn't mine, so simply download and open in a text editor, line 234 change from:

if output.pop(0).strip() != 'SSSU for HP StorageWorks Command View EVA': error = 1


if output.pop(0).strip().find('SSSU for HP') !=0: error=1

Then it should work ok.
byZLO1, January 28, 2013
After upgrading CommandView to the latest available version (10.2), sssu commands do not work as expected. If you can rewrite new check for those people who have CommandView 10.2?
BTW, this check is awesome and works excellent with CommandView 9.4.
This works fine in command line however not in NagiosXI web interface. This creates hundreds of the following processes,

sssu set option on_error=continue select manager 10.xx.xx.xx USERNAME=hpevauser PASSWORD=hpevapass ls system full
Fonctionne très bien.
Un peu plus de documentation de mise en route serait un plus. il faut en plus s'assurer que sssu est bien sur /usr/bin de nagios et les dépendances. Sinon fonctionne très bien.
added support for vdisk and "thin provisioned vdisks"

If someone is intrested i'm ready to send the code.
bydhnetwork22, October 28, 2011
It took me a little bit to get it going, but well worth it!!
I am fairly new to Nagios, so this may be a given for everyone else, but running the command from the shell of the Nagios server really helped me to work through the different error messages that I was getting.
Thank you to the Author of this script!