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check_freak Featured

The FREAK Vulnerability is a security vulnerability in OpenSSL that allows attackers to intercept HTTPS connections between vulnerable clients and servers and force them to use ‘export-grade’ cryptography, which can then be decrypted or altered. Fr ...
Using Nagios XI In Amazon EC2 Cloud

This document describes how to launch a new pre-installed Nagios XI server in the Amazon EC2 cloud. This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators who would like to bring up new Nagios XI instances in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) ...
send_nrdp Bash NRDP Client

Bash implementation of the send_nrdp client. Revision 0.1 - Send NRPD script for Nagios Usage: -u URL -t token [options] Usage: -h Help file This script is used to send NRPD data to a Nagios server R ...
send_nrdp Python NRDP Client

usage: [options] options: -u URL, --url=URL ** REQUIRED ** The URL used to access the remote NRDP Server Usually: http://<IP_ADDRESS>/nrdp/ agent. -t TOKEN, --token=TOKEN ** REQU ...
Nagios Remote Data Sender (NRDS)

NRDS is a component installed on a Nagios XI server that allows the administrator to create and manage configurations and plugins to be deployed with a passive agent that can be installed on a variety of operating systems. The passive agents downloads ...
Passive Monitoring with NRDS

Nagios Remote Data Sender, or NRDS is a component installed on a Nagios XI server that allows the administrator to create and manage configurations and plugins to be deployed with a passive agent that can be installed on a variety of operating systems. ...
Installing the Nagios XI Mac OSX Agent

This document describes how to install the OS/X agent for monitoring with Nagios XI.
This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators that would like to use Nagios XI to monitor OS/X.
Monitoring OSX with Nagios XI

This document describes how to monitor OS/X with Nagios XI using the XI Mac OS/X wizard.
This document is intended for use by Nagios XI Administrators that would like to use Nagios XI to monitor OS/X.
Mac OS X Wizard

A Nagios XI configuration wizard for monitoring Mac OS/X workstations and servers.
NRPE check returns

This condition can be added into Nagios Reactor to check the result of a NRPE command run on a remote system so follow-up actions can be taken. This condition currently does not support passing arguments to NRPE. Install/update condition through Adm ...
xMatters Integration

Nagios XI Integration | xMatters Nagios Core Integration | xMatters
Custom URL Dashlet for Fusion

Define your own URL, dimensions, and opacity in this highly flexible dashlet!
Proxy component for Fusion

Proxy component for Nagios Fusion to allow fusion to interact through proxy servers.

check_heartbleed allows you to check for the Heartbleed Vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160) of openssl on various systems. Version - 0.6 : Added TLSv1.0 and SSLv3.0 support If no version is specified, checks all versions. Altered output somewhat. Added opti ...
Better Apache Dashboard

The "Better Apache Dashboard" also know as the 5 minute dashboard as presented at the 2014 Nagios World Conference.
View the conference slides at