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Sam N

Nagios Library in PHP to monitor VMware NSX Devices via VMware API

Arduino-ESP32 example sketch to send device and sensor data to NagiosXI via NRDP.

Based on the example in this PHP flavored library extends the capabilities far beyond system status.

Arduino INO Project that allows you to use collect and evaluate DHT11 sensor data to NagiosXI NRDP DHT Metrics Collection: Send DHT11 sensor data to NagiosXI wihtout evaluation via NRDP. Temperature (C) Humidity (%) DewPoint (C) HeatIndex (C) DHT C ...

Python based script used to monitor "running" docker containers in conjunction with Google's Cadvisor.

Event Handler to be applied either on-demand or globally to NagiosXI that allows ServiceNow as the Incident Management platform for "Service" checks while allowing the Host Notification and escalation to stay within the umbrella of NagiosXI.

Making use of the event rule-sets forward in event routing pipeline vs later. This allows you to route to any service using the filtering criteria as defined in PagerDuty. Using an "on state change" event handler vs contact command let you deal with Nag ...

Nagios Windows_SSH Monitoring Plugin DESCRIPTION This plugin monitors the CPU utilization on Windows machines via evaluation of the Process Performance Counters. Processor(_Total)% User Time Processor(_Total)% Processor Time P ...

Agent-less monitoring plugin for NagiosXI that uses a single Windows_SSH service to request Windows LCD Metrics (CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, Disk Utilization) and Service Status that are returned individually to NagiosXI via NRDP.
The Nag-Stack a Containerized Nagios Development Enviro...

I wrote an article a while back that walks you through how to setup a development environment running all four of these applications, at the same time, on the same server, using LXD System Containers and Ubuntu. --- NagiosXI --- Nagios Fusion --- Nagios ...

A monitoring plugin to check status of hostgroup members that are in a down state and alert if a percentage threshold is crossed.