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Compatible With
- Nagios XI
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Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.
Monitoring Made Magically Better
- Nagios Core on Overdrive
- Powerful Monitoring Dashboards
- Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
- Open Source Powered Monitoring On Steroids
- And So Much More!
Download both the plugin and yaml file.
Edit the yaml file to include either the FQDN or IP address of the nagios instance where the script will execute.
Edit the yaml file to include the apikey of a nagiosxi user with API permissions.
Upload both the script and yaml file to the NagiosXI Instance /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ directory.
Create the NagiosXI command for check_pctgroup
pyhon3 $USER1$/ -e $ARG1$ --hostgroup "$ARG2$" -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Create a Service Check to utilize the check_pctgroup command.
A R G 1 contains the nagiosxi environment (dev/prd)
A R G 2 contains the nagiosxi hostgroup name you want to evaluate.
A R G 3 contains the critical threshold
A R G 4 used for passing the optional variables -w/--warning and -p used to enable nagios perfdata output.
Command Line Execution Example
python3 -e dev --hostgroup "dev-linux-web" -c 10 -w 5 -p
Edit the yaml file to include either the FQDN or IP address of the nagios instance where the script will execute.
Edit the yaml file to include the apikey of a nagiosxi user with API permissions.
Upload both the script and yaml file to the NagiosXI Instance /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ directory.
Create the NagiosXI command for check_pctgroup
pyhon3 $USER1$/ -e $ARG1$ --hostgroup "$ARG2$" -c $ARG3$ $ARG4$
Create a Service Check to utilize the check_pctgroup command.
A R G 1 contains the nagiosxi environment (dev/prd)
A R G 2 contains the nagiosxi hostgroup name you want to evaluate.
A R G 3 contains the critical threshold
A R G 4 used for passing the optional variables -w/--warning and -p used to enable nagios perfdata output.
Command Line Execution Example
python3 -e dev --hostgroup "dev-linux-web" -c 10 -w 5 -p
Reviews (1)
bygregbeyer, December 20, 2024
Asked on XI about the ability to monitor the availability of all nodes in a hostgroup. A few of our hostgroups define clusters, therefore need to know how much of the cluster is up, and alert on too many nodes being down. Also need to see history over time of %nodes up. Sam took up the challenge and within a week developed this plugin. Very flexible command parameters. Fills our need to know condition of hostgroups, be notified and have a record of same. Thanks very much!